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2020-05-24 16:30:01

中考话题作文常用句子健康1.有一种健康的生活方式是重要的。 have a healthy lifestyle.2.每晚睡8个小时是重要的。Its to sleep for a night.3.均衡饮食是重要的。Its important to eat a .4.你应该通过锻炼来保持健康。You should .5.你应该早点儿上床睡觉。You should .6.你也应该躺下休息。You should and rest.7.你不应该熬夜。You shouldnt .8.你需要看医生。You need to .9.不要有压力,那是不健康的。 stressed out. Its .10.睡前散步,它很有帮助。 before going to bed. It helps a lot.人物描写11.我高大结实,留着短/长发,戴眼镜。I am and . I have short/long hair. I wear .12.我外向/随和/风趣/活跃/可爱/聪明/有创造力。I am / / / / / / .13.我聪明活泼,受人欢迎,对人有礼貌。I am bright and lively. I am everyone. I am others.14.我15岁。I am 15 .15.我将来想成为一名艺术家/科学家/音乐家。I an artist/a scientist/a musician .16.我喜欢看书、聊天和放风筝。I like reading, and .17.我积极参加运动,对足球/篮球感兴趣。I part in sports. I am interested in soccer/basketball.18.我有很多爱好,尤其是下国际象棋和打网球。I have lots of hobbies, playing chess and tennis.19.我们彼此相处融洽。We with each other.20.我对人友好,乐于助人。I am others and help others.参观旅游21.我们将于星期日早上8点在校门口集合。Well the school gate at 8 a.m. on Sunday.22.我将带你参观北京的一些名胜古迹。Ill some places of interest in Beijing.23.不准拍照,禁止大声喧哗。Dont . We talk loudly.24.我们将乘公共汽车/步行去那儿。Well go there / .25.动身前记得准备好你需要的一切物品并打包。Remember to everything you need before leaving and pack them.26.我们最好带一把雨伞。 take an umbrella with us.27.要守时,不要迟到。Be on time. .28.我们应该自备食物和饮料。We should our food and drinks.29.祝大家玩得开心。I hope everyone will / / . 30.我准备去徒步旅行/游泳/钓鱼/划船/骑自行车。I plan to go / / / / .环境31.保持园区整洁。 the park and .32.保护环境是我们的责任。 to protect our environment.33.我们不应该乱丢垃圾。We should not litter .34.购物时记得带自己的袋子。 take your own bags when shopping.35.离开房间时不要忘记关灯。 turn off the lights when you leave a room.36.我们应该多植树。We should plant .37.我们一定要把垃圾捡起来扔进垃圾箱。We must rubbish and it a dustbin.38.如果每个人都为保护环境贡献自己的一份力量,那么世界将会变得更美丽。If everyone protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.安全39.夜间不要在外逗留得太晚。Dont outside at night.40.未经许可不要独自去任何地方。Dont go anywhere alone .41.吃太多的垃圾食品容易生病。Youre easy to be ill if you eat food.42.你慌慌张张地过马路容易发生事故。Youre easy to have an accident if you cross the road .43.上、下车时注意安全,不要推挤。Be careful when and the bus. Dont push others.44.上学、放学的路上注意安全,过马路时一定要看交通灯。Be careful to school and back home. Be sure to look at the traffic lights when crossing the road.45.在公园游玩时注意安全,不要离开你的团队。Be careful when playing in the park, and your team.46.当我们遇到麻烦时应互相帮助/相互关照。We should help each other/look after each other when were . 学科网每份资料都启用了数字版权保护,仅限个人学习研究使用。任何分享、转载行为都会导致账号被封,情节严重者,追究法律责任!



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