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SAT答题纸.pdf 全文

2020-05-27 17:12:01

SAT Reasoning Test — General Directions Timing IMPORTANT: The codes below are unique to ?? You will have 3 hours and 45 minutes to work on this test. your test book. Copy them on your answer sheet ?? There are ten separately timed sections: in boxes 8 and 9 and ?? ll in the corresponding One 25 minute essay circles exactly as shown. Six other 25 minute sections Two 20 minute sections TEST FORM One 10 minute section 9 Copy from back of test book. ?? You may work on only one section at a time. ?? The supervisor will tell you when to begin and end each section. ?? If you ?? nish a section before time is called, check your work on that section. You may NOT turn to any other section. 8 FORM CODE ?? Work as rapidly as you can without losing accuracy. Don’t waste time on questions that seem too dif?? cult for you. Copy and grid as on back of test book. Marking Answers ?? Be sure to mark your answer sheet properly. A A A A 0 0 0 B B B B 1 1 1 C C C C 2 2 2 ?? You must use a No. 2 pencil. D D D D 3 3 3 ?? Carefully mark only one answer for each question. E E E E 4 4 4 ?? Make sure you ?? ll the entire circle darkly and completely. F F F F 5 5 5 ?? Do not make any stray marks on your answer sheet. G G G G 6 6 6 ?? If you erase, do so completely. Incomplete erasures may be scored as H H H H 7 7 7 intended answers. ?? Use only the answer spaces that correspond to the question numbers. I I I I 8 8 8 Using Your Test Book J J J J 9 9 9 ?? You may use the test book for scratchwork, but you will not receive credit K K K K for anything written there. L L L L ?? After time has been called, you may not transfer answers to your answer M M M M sheet or ?? ll in circles. N N N N ?? You may not fold or remove pages or portions of a page from this book, O O O O or take the book or answer sheet from the testing room. P P P P Scoring Q Q Q Q ?? For each correct answer, you receive one point. R R R R ?? For questions you omit, you receive no points. S S S S ?? For a wrong answer to a multiple choice question, you lose one fourth of T T T T a point. U U U U If you can eliminate one or more of the answer choices as wrong, V V V V you increase your chances of choosing the correct answer and W W W W earning one point. X X X X If you can’t eliminate any choice, move on. You can return to the question later if there is time. Y Y Y Y ?? For a wrong answer to a student produced response “grid in” math Z Z Z Z question, you don’t lose any points. ?? Multiple choice and student produced response questions are machine scored. ?? The essay is scored on a 1 to 6 scale by two different readers. The total essay score is the sum of the two readers’ scores. ?? Off topic essays, blank essays, and essays written in ink will receive a score of zero. The passages for this test have been adapted from published material. The ideas contained in them do not necessarily represent the opinions of the College Board. DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK UNTIL THE SUPERVISOR TELLS YOU TO DO SO.



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