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2020-06-13 08:15:01

Advantages of Five Day week

A five day week has been put into use for along time, which is liked by everyone. It is obvious that a five day week hasbrought about many advantages to the society and people. First, families havebenefited from it a lot. They have more time to spend together during theweekend.

Second, society has also benefited from it. As peoplehave two days off, they are willing to go shopping or travelling, which canpromote the commerce and tourism.

Third, individuals have also enjoyed the benefit fromthe five day week, individuals can have a good rest. Adequate rest will enablehim to work more efficiently.

In a word, a five day week is beneficial to thesociety, families and individuals.

Car –free Day

A car free Day, which advocates people to choose to usemore buses,bikes or go to work on foot instead of driving private cars to work,was carried out in my hometown as well as some other 107 cities on September 22nd,and it has got the support from all the people in our country, whatsimportant, it has also made people realize the importance of protecting theenvironment in which we are living, the activity has proved to be successful.

It is very necessary and important to hold suchactivity very often, because protecting our environment is protectingourselves.I hope that more and more people will take part in activity and makeit a habit. Then our envrionment will be better and better.

Should those who get Olympic medals be paid high?

Recently years, with the development of sports in ourcountry, more and more athletes winning Olympic medals get higher paid thanothers. Some people said that they deserve it. Because they have trained hardand won honor for our country. On the contrary, some other people are againstthis view, what they believe is that it is those athletes job to win medalsand honor for our country, it is just as what ordinary people do in their dailylife.In my point of view, these athletes who have got medals and honor for ourcountry should be rewarded but not too much.besides, they should not get higherpaid than other athletes.

Dear Peter:

I am glad to receive your letter asking for my adviceon how to learn Chinese well. As a Chinese, I would like to give you someadvice on learning Chinese. First, you can have some Chinese classes where youcan learn some basic knowledge.Second; you should read more reading materialswritten in Chinese, such as books, newspapers magazines or whatever you areinterested in. Third, you can also learn some Chinese by singing Chinese songs,which can not only give you some help but also make you inerested in learningChinese.At last, I will recommend an easy and efficient way to learningChinese, it is very simple, just make a or some Chinese friends, and they willdefinitely help you in a way.

Personal Interests

Interestsfor a person are just like stars in the dark sky. The night sky is not dullwith the accompany of stars, so is interests for a person. I have a greatnumber of interests, of which I like basketball best. Basketball, which hasattracted many a fan, has been played around the world for about more than 100hundred years. It can not only make my life colorful and enjoyable, but alsomake me healthier and more energitic than before. Every time I was down, Iwould prefer to play basketball, which can make me forget all my troubles. Ialso make lots of friends by playing basketball. So developing Personal interestsis really a good thing to us.

My Attitude towards Attending University

In my point of view, attending university is very crucial and necessary for the development of a person. University is a place where you can not only learn some professional knowledge and skills but also you can learn how to communicate well with others,apart from these advantages, it is also a good place to make some true friends who you can hardly get after graduation. Whats more, the atmosphere in university is greatly different from that in society; you can join various clubs or voluntary programs which will benefit you a lot in your future life. All in all, university is not only a holy place to learn, but a palace to cultivate and develop yourselves as well. So it is necessary and crucial to attend university.



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