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2020-06-15 17:54:01

Mothers of children love is the world s greatest and most selfless love, my parents with all the parents, along with our growth. In when I fell, she encouraged me to climb up. When I cry, she comforted me, I did not do well in the exam, she encouraged me, she, she is our mother ... ...I remember one morning, mother just sent me to school, it began to rain heavily, and I was flat safely to school, but my mother had braved heavy rain to go home, I looked at mother in the rain back, thinking: if I were mother atop a flower umbrella, for mother rain, that is good! But I can only look at the mother in the rain, I cried to the mother shouted: "Mom, you go home quickly, dont be a heavy rain!" I hurried into the classroom, with a heavy heart. When it was time to leave, I saw my mother all is well., not sick, my heart that this stone was put down, at this time, I be overcome by ones feelings to face hidden in his mothers arms, feeling the heart of a mother is really warm.Now, I have grown up, the crow has filial obedience, lamb milk has to kneel on the righteous, and all pro? Parents love, how can we forget it; parents give concern and care, how can we not in mind; for parents, how can we not deeply Thanksgiving and honor汉语意思为母亲对儿女的爱是世界上最伟大最无私的爱,我的父母同所有的父母一样,伴随着我们成长.在我摔倒时,是她鼓励我爬起来.在我哭泣时,是她安慰我,在我考试没考好时,是她鼓励我,她,她就是我们的母亲. 记得有一天早晨,母亲刚刚把我送到学校,就下起了大雨,这时我到是平平安安地到了学校,可是母亲还得顶着大雨回家,我看着母亲在雨中的背影,心想:如果我是母亲头顶上的一把小花伞,为母亲遮雨,那该多好啊!可我只能看着母亲在雨中独行,我大声对妈妈喊:“妈妈,您快点回家,别被大雨淋感冒了!”我急忙忙的跑进了教室,带着沉重的心情上课.到了放学的时候,我看见妈妈平安无事,没有生病,我心里的这块石头才放了下来,这时,我情不自禁的把小脸蛋藏进了母亲的怀里,感觉母亲的心可真温暖.而今,我长大了,乌鸦有反哺之情,羔羊有跪乳之义,何况是万物之临呢?父母的养育之情,我们怎能忘怀呢;父母给予的关切和爱护,我们怎能不铭记在心;对于父母,我们怎能不深深地感恩和孝敬呢.希望对你有所帮助.



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