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如果你有机会成为志愿者 你愿意做什么工作呢?为什么?写一篇短文写英语作文作业帮

2020-06-19 08:03:01

“I Would Like To Become A VolunteerI am ready to help others and would like to become a volunteer.Many,many people need help in our country and we have so much work to do for them.If I have a chance to do what I can,I want to go to Chinas western region to help the children there using my knowledge.I would like to become a teacher.I can teach the children maths,Chinese,English and so on and I will help the children to learn to be human beings,to learn Knowledge and culture,so as to they will do everything they can for our motherland,when they grow up.This is just my greatest wish .”



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