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2019高考英语作文模拟题及范文 中国传统节日

2020-07-20 09:30:01

如何让自己的考场英语作文拿高分?首先要多练。写作提分的三要素——句型、连词和高级词汇。句子是我们写作文最大的单位,有了漂亮的句子,用好的连词将其连句成段,再加上一些如星星般亮点词汇的点缀,一篇好的高考英语作文就诞生了。新东方高考频道汇总了关于中国文化的2019高考英语作文模拟题及范文,供大家练习和学习。 题目 假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友Tom对中国的传统节日非常感兴趣。他想请你介绍你最喜欢的一个节日,如中秋节、端午节、春节等,你通常是怎么庆祝的,以及你喜欢这个节日的原因。请你根据他的问题回复邮件。 提示词语:eat, get together, share, happy, special 范文 Hi! Tom, I’m glad to hear that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. My favorite festival is the Mid Autumn Festival. It usually comes in September or October. On that day, our family members usually get together and have a nice meal. After that, I always admire the moon and share mooncakes with my families. I love this festival because I like eating mooncakes. They are in the shape of a full moon. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. In short, the Mid Autumn Festival is a day of pleasure and happiness. I hope that my letter will help you know more about Chinese festivals.



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