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怎样做个好学生How to Be a Good Student英语作文

2020-07-27 17:21:01

时间:2010 05 12来源:JOOZONE栏目:作者:JOOZONE.COM 收藏: 怎样做个好学生How to Be a Good Student 作文地带题目:怎样做个好学生How to Be a Good Student细节:JOOZONE.COM 标题:怎样做个好学生How to Be a Good Student 发表:2010 05 12 20:24:47

We students are the builders and masters of the country. It is important for us to know how to be a good student.

A good student, I think, should be diligent in his studies. The more he studies, the more he will increase his knowledge. Without enough knowledge, we cannot make great contributions to the modernization of our country.

To take care of ones own body is another important thing for good student to do. Anyone, who hasnt got a strong body, can do nothing for his country, even if he has much knowledge. There was a man, who, when he was student, studied hard but neglected his health. No sooner did he come to serve the country than he died of poor health. From this we may see that to have a strong body is really very important for a student.

Lastly, to cultivate ones own virtue is most important. Virtue is the essence of a noble and good character. It will greatly help one to be useful and his country heart and soul. When learned people go astray, they do more harm than good to society. We should draw lessons from this.



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