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2020-08-02 11:24:01


篇1 拒绝浪费与饮食 Save Food and Eat Healthily

今年一月份,我国政府号召全民 拒绝浪费,文明用餐 ,加入 光盘行动 。请根据下面提示,联系实际,适当发挥,以 Save Food and Eat Healthily 为题,写一篇80 100词的英语短文。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Save Food And Eat Healthily

Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. We middle school students should do something for it.

To save food, we

Save Food And Eat Healthily

Our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. We middle school students should do something for it.

To save food, we shouldn t waste any of our food. We should eat up all the food. We shouldn t order the food more than we can eat while dining out, because many people in the world don t have enough to eat. To eat healthily, we shouldn t eat junk food but healthy food. It s good for our health to eat a balanced diet. We d better not eat in small restaurants. The food and the oil they use are not clean or healthy enough. We d better eat at school or at home if we have time.

中考英语作文篇2 关于孔子的英语作文 Confucius

twenty five hundred years ago life in china was very hard. most of the people were hopelessly poor. into these times one of china s great leaders was born. he was confucius. confucius came from a noble family, but his parents were poor. his father died when confucius was only three years old. the boy was a good and obedient son to his mother. he grew up to be quiet, thoughtful, and studious. as confucius watched the people around him, he became eager to help them. at last he left his family and started out his students to be honest and kind, and to honor their parents. he taught them that a good man never lets himself get angry. many of his savings were gathered together and written down. one of his famous savings is do not do to others what you do not wish others to do to you. for years he wandered from province to province spreading his ideas to all who would listen to him.

两千五百年前在中国的生活是很困难的。大部分的人都不可救药的穷人。这些次到一位伟大的中国领导人诞生了。他是孔子。孔子来自一个贵族家庭,但他的父母很差。他父亲死后,当年孔子只有三岁。那个男孩是一个有用的而且孝顺的儿子向他的母亲。他长大后安静下来,考虑周到,勤奋好学的。孔子看着周围的人,他成为了想帮助他们。最后他离开了他的家人,并开始他的学生要诚实、善良,而且为了纪念他们的父母。他教训他们说,一个好的男人从不让自己生气。他的许多积蓄都聚集、写下来。他的一个著名的储蓄是 己所不欲别人对你做。 许多年来,他偏离省省传播他的想法向所有人愿意听他的。

中考英语作文篇3 记一次英语演讲比赛

Last week, I took part in an English speech contest which was held by our teachers. There weretwelve students in the final contest. I was one of them. Fifteen minutes beforemy turn, I picked my topic and prepared for it. I wrote down the outlines and organized what I was going to say. However, when I stood in front of all judges and students, I was extremely nervous. My mind was totally empty. Then I took adeep breath to relax myself and started my speech. The result was not as good as I expected, but I preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whose process was the most important for me. I can learn a lot from this contest. I amsure I will be better next time.


下一页更多精彩 2017年河北中考英语作文



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