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请帮我用英语写一篇文章 内容是介绍北京这个城市 字数在100~150之间

2020-08-07 11:06:01

Beijing,a city in northern China,is the capital of the Peoples Republic of China.Beijing is also one of the four municipalities of the PRC,which are equivalent to provinces in Chinas administrative structure.Beijing Municipality borders Hebei Province to the north,west,south,and for a small section in the east,and Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.Beijing is Chinas second largest city in terms of population,after Shanghai.It is a major transportation hub,with dozens of railways,roads and expressways entering and leaving it in all directions.It is also the focal point of many international flights to China.Beijing is recognized as the political,educational,and cultural center of the Peoples Republic of China,while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields.Beijing is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China.It will also host the 2008 Summer Olympics.147字



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