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故宫 英文介绍说明

2020-08-08 10:42:01

Some famous halls The Hall of Supreme Harmony 太和殿) The Hall of Central Harmony 中和殿) The Hall of Preserving Harmony 保和殿) The Hall of Supreme Harmony(太和殿) Entering Taihemen, you will see Taihedian Hall of Supreme Harmony across the spacious square, which covers of 30,000 square meters. Standing on a three tier marble terrace, this grandest timber framework ever in China is overwhelming. The Hall of Central Harmony(中和殿) The Zhonghedian is located between the Taihedian and the Baohedian. These three halls, known as the Three Great Halls of the Outer Court, are on the central axis(轴) of the Forbidden City. The Zhonghedian served as a place for rest for the emperor when he was on his way to hold ceremonies in Zhonghedian The Hall of Preserving Harmony(保和殿) Baohedian, the Hall of Preserved Harmony, stands at the northern end of the three tier marble terrace. Similar in style but somewhat smaller than the Hall of Supreme Harmony ,it is larger than the Hall of Central Harmony. It was built in 1420, rebuilt in 1625 and renovated in 1765 .



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