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2020-08-22 09:33:01


初中英语作文:关于乐于助人 Helping Others

In school, I work very hard and I rank in the top of my class.Therefore, my classmates would like to ask me some questions aboutstudy when they do not ask help for teachers. I like helpingothers. Firstly, when others need help, I want to give them a hand.They come to me, because they trust me. This makes me happy.Secondly, I can get help from others, too. Once you did some favorsto them, they are more likely to help you. Finally, helping othersis helping myself, too. When I solve problems, I get improvement atthe same time.


初中英语作文:我讨厌冬天I Hate Winter

There are four seasons in a year, and I hatewinter the most. In my hometown, we don’t have heating system to getwarmed, so indoor just as cold as outdoor. The icy wind is blowingon your face and you just feel like you would become a Popsicle.Getting out of bed just become harder and harder as the temperaturedrops lower. What’s worse, when you try to write your homework, you justcan’t feel yourhands anymore because of the cold weather. I really envy the peoplewho live in the north for they can stay inside to enjoy the heat,just like living in the spring. Oh, how I wish the winter can passquickly!


关于消除误会的英语作文 Clear the Air

Tim and Jack had a quarrel, and then they didn’t talk with each other for aweek. In fact, they misunderstood with each other. Tim thought Jacktold the teacher his homework was copied. So did jack. Before this,they were good friends. But once they quarreled again, and spokethe true of fact. Then they cleared their misunderstanding andbecame friends again. From their experience, I learn that makeeverything clear is the best way clear the air.



以上就是初中英语作文范文。参考来自 小牛英语网.



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