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2020-09-01 09:27:01

When I was a kid, I dreamed to be a policeman. But my parents always said that its a dangerous job. My uncle and unty even told me that one of their police friends was injured seriously during work. Since then Ive never mentioned to them that I wanted to be a police.However I would still deream that I bacame a policeman and caught many thieves. In one of my dreams, I found a thief who wanted to escape, but finally I got him. People just give me a sight with respectation.I do not fear anything and I can deal with everything in the life. I am working hard for my dream and I am confident that I will study in the police school in the future.在我很小的时候,我就想要当一个警察,但爸爸妈妈说:“当警察很危险。”舅舅、舅妈说:“我们有一个好朋友是警察,现在他浑身是伤正住在医院里。”从此以后,我再也不说我想做警察了。但是,我常常梦见自己当上了警察,并抓住了许多小偷。在一次梦中,我发现了一个小偷,他设法逃走,但终于被我抓住了,人们都用敬仰的眼光看着我。我什么也不怕,我会应付生活中碰到的任何情况。现在我正在努力学习。我相信将来我一定能考上警校。



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