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2020-09-03 09:42:01

Chinese Kung Fu , not just fighting technique, but is not a sim ple fist m ovem ent. I t is the national w isdom em bodied our traditional culture.??中国功夫, 不只是战斗技术, 更不是简单的一拳运动。 它是民族智慧体现了我国传统文化慧, 体现了我国传统文化。Confucianism (儒家文化) : Moderation and Harm ony Taoism : Dialectical and Com prehensibility 辩证与领悟??儒学(儒家文化) : 中庸和谐道教: 辩证的理解??11 /24/201411 /24/2014?? The essence of the martial arts culture is that people, people with interdependent nature of the trace of the spiritual home to find peace, harmony called non fighting , rather than f hlhfighting. At least the mainstream has always been the case.hl?? 武术文化的本质是人的精神家园, 微量相互依存的自然人找到和平, 和谐(称为 非战斗 ) ,而不是战斗。 至少主流一直如此。?? 1 . external 外家拳 and internal 内家拳?? 2. northern 北拳 and southern 南拳?? 3. im itative styles 象形拳?? 4. Zui Quan 醉拳 Drunken Fist ?? 5. Tai Chi Chuan 太极拳 Ultim ate Suprem e Fist ?? 6.Wing Chun咏春拳)Shao Lin Kung FuShao Lin Kung FuTai j i11 /24/2014yongchunyongchun11 /24/2014Drunken Master(醉拳) 有一种液体叫: 酒! 一斤下肚眩晕6小时胆量 +300%攻击速度 50%力量+20% 敏捷度 40%智力 50% 走直线能力 80%真心话+70% 大冒险+60% 大招能力直接报废人 使用它过后不良反应就是 百分百自动开启吹牛逼模式 !11 /24/2014Hollywood Kung Fu Films In1959,BruceleewenttoSanFranciscoandthenestablishedJUNFANKUNGFUINSTITUTION(振番国书馆) andinventedJEETKUNEDO截拳道) basedonvarietyofkungfu.ThemainconceptwecansayisStop‐防御 反击)hit防御‐反击)11 /24/2014THE BIG BOSST The rhe representative of Chinese Kung Fuepresentative of Chinese Kung Fuli li xiaolongxiaolong11The influence ofThe influence ofChinese kungChinese kung fu fu1 2KUNG FU PANDA All the architectural style, interior decoration,All the architectural style, interior decoration,the role of costumes, and even the ancientthe role of costumes, and even the ancientChinese Deng Jun, acupuncture, firecrackersChinese Deng Jun, acupuncture, firecrackersand other things with Chinese characteristicsand other things with Chinese characteristicsappear in the film.appear in the film. 所有的建筑风格, 室内装饰, 服饰的作用,甚至中国古代邓军, 针灸, 烟花爆竹等有中国特色的东西出现在影片。11 /24/201411 /24/2014Donnie YenDonnie Yen1 511 /24/2014 Thank you for watching



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