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2020-09-03 17:39:01

Guangxi is a excellent place for visiting.It is located in the south of China and next to Vietnam.Its famous for its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore . There are many places o...

Guangxi is a excellent place for visiting.It is located in the south of China and next to Vietnam.Its famous for its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore . There are many places of interests including Lijiang,Guiping Westhill and Ningming Flowerhill ,which are at national level.In addition,Guangxi also has eleven state level forest parks and one national holiday resort,Beihai Yintan Holiday Resort. Besides these natural beauties,therere also seven national organizations of cultural celics preservation ,which can show you some brilliant history sites and reminders. So it will be a smart choice to visit Guangxi.



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