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2020-09-09 10:09:01




步骤审题,定人称和时态列出要点加开头结尾加连接词加例子 A Yourself 有关于你自己 my name is I am my English name is I am years old I was born in 1996 in I am a girl quiet, active, creative, 写人 I am a middle school student. My father is a I have many friends. I am good at playing basketball very much. My mother works hard. She teachs me to be a good man. When I am in trouble,she always helps me. 写人 She is kind and friendly. She often helps me. I d like to say thanks to I love I hope will be healthy and happy. C Your hobbies I like My hobby is playing I am good at basketball, football, piano, reading, printing 爱好 I have a few hobbies,such as playing basket ball,dancing and singing. Books are my friends. I enjoy reading books very much,because there are lots of interesting things in them. D Your school life I graduated from My favorite subject is Chinese, Maths, English, 校园 How time flies! My school life will come to an end. I love everything in my school. My teachers and classmates are very kind and friendly. They always help me when I am in trouble. We get on well with each other. There are many sthdents and teachers in my school. We often help each other. We study many subjects in school. I like P.E best. We often do sports in the afternoon after class. We study hard. Our teachers are friendly to us. I have to say goodbye to my school. I love my school and all my teachers. I will never forget I think my school life is busy but happy. My school life is meaningful,corlorful and interesting. My school is big and beautiful. I get up early in the morning every day and play sports. I love sports.It really make me happy. I have a happy time with my friends. E Your wish in the near future 假期计划 The summer holiday is coming. I am going to have a good rest and relax myself. I will read more books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to try my best to I want to not only relax but also learn something. I believe I will have a good time. I plan to learn to cook from my mother. G Last This is my ,what about you? Self introduction Hi,my name is , I am from ,I m years old. I m in class grade in middle school. There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. They love me very much. And I love them too. My hobby is playing and enjoying , I like making friends with others. Would you like to make friends with me? 语态、时态要准确主谓语要一致注意冠词用法 he is an honest student 中的an 不能写成a 注意拼写、标点符号和大小写 汉语 英语 句号 。 . 省略号 顿号 、 无保持健康 It s very important to keep healthy. Eat less junk food. Fruit and vegetables are good for our health. We need to do some sports every day. We should eat healthy food. You should go to bed early and get up early. We must keep healthy. Without good health,we will have nothing. So,we should develop good life habits and try our best to take exercise every day 上下文要连贯并列:and, both and,what s more,not only but also 转折:but, however 顺序:first, second, third, finally,in the end,at last 递进:also,and,too, then 因果:because,as a result,so 条件:if 列举:for example,such as 对比:on the one hand on the other hand 结论:all in all, in a word, in short 表达自己观点:in my opinion 书写工整,卷面整洁写完之后,勿忘检查 格式是否错误 拼写是否错误 语言是否错误 时态,语态是否错误 人称是否用错


:这是英语形容词ppt,主要介绍了定语,表语,宾补;形容词的位置;形容词的比较级和最高级;比较级表示最高级的句型,欢迎点击。:这是初中英语教案ppt,主要介绍了观念决定行为;《牛津初中英语》总览;《牛津初中英语》编写,欢迎点击。:这是期中英语总结ppt,主要介绍了Module 1 My Classmates;Module 2 My Family;Module 3 My School;Module 4 Healthy Food;Pay Attention,欢迎点击。



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