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2020-09-09 16:33:01

My Favourite Seaon我最喜欢的季节 In the four seasons, I most like the summer. 四季中,我最喜欢夏季。 In the summer, I may go to the sand beach, swim, camp out, but I most like travelling, although the weather is very hot. 在夏天,我可以去沙滩、去游泳、去露营,但是我还是最喜欢去旅行,尽管天气很热。 Although in the summer very hot, but may put on the lovable skirt, this is each girls all hopes. 夏天虽然很热,不过可以穿着可爱的裙子,这是每个女孩子都希望的。 The summer temperature is very high, but may enjoy the air conditioning, cool, very comfortable. 夏天的温度很高,但是可以享受空调,凉凉的,很舒服。 Ah! Best is that ice cream, sweet, and like honey, honey but only cold. 啊!最好不过的是那冰激凌,甜甜的,和蜜糖一样,不过只是比蜜糖凉了点。 I compare the hope to be able to go to the inferior beach.Because there has the sea water.Some people said that, the seashore child is bravest, I am very timid, therefore wants to go to there to embolden, did not know is reliable. 我还是比较希望能去次海滩。因为那里有海水。有人说,海边的孩子最勇敢,我很胆小,所以想去那里壮壮胆,不知道可靠不可靠。 My sister would like go to the beach. Because shes a good girl, her ideal is a sculptor, so she wanted to play with sand on the beach, you may be able to help her. But Mom thinks this is a ridiculous ideal, because she thought the girl is not suitable for sculpture should be elegant. 我的妹妹也很希望去海滩。因为她是个好动的女孩子,她的理想是做雕塑家,所以她想在海滩玩玩沙子,或许可以帮帮她。不过妈妈认为这是个荒谬的理想,因为她认为女孩子不适合做雕塑,应该文雅一点。 Actually swims is also good, may swim freely in the water swims, is equally cheerful with the fish.It is a pity I cannot swim, but I may study. 其实游泳也不错,可以在水里自由地游来游去,和鱼儿一样欢快。遗憾的是我还不会游泳,不过我可以学。 Do you have a Monroe camp? That was the best I have ever seen play the game. At night, we all nest in a small tent, quietly tell her little secret, quietly watching the full moon in the sky, fire burns, we all dance in the fire, Ah! Do you want to camp? Summer nights most suits. 你们有露过营吗?那可真是我见过的最好玩的游戏。夜晚,大家都窝在一个小帐篷里,悄悄地讲着小秘密,静静地看着天上的圆月,烈火熊熊燃烧,我们都在火边跳舞,啊!你们也想露营吗?夏天的夜晚最合适不过了。 I most like the summer. 我最喜欢夏季。



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