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2020-09-09 17:24:01

2017考研初试12月24日至26日进行,新东方网考研频道时刻关注2017考研初试情况,并第一时间为考生提供考研真题答案及答案解析内容,同时新东方考研教师将为考生提供视频直播解析。敬请关注新东方网考研频道为您带来的精彩内容。 2017年考研英语一仍然考察图画作文,图画内容涉及读书 图中左边的男士慵懒地靠在椅背上满足于他的藏书;而右边的男生计划在一年内读完20本书,这显然是可行的计划。作为中国大学生,每个人都应该重视阅读,而不仅局限于藏书。藏而不读,不如无书。 这类话题以前并未有过相关考察,但是属于哲理类内容,只要对图画有基本解读能力,并具备基础英语表达能力和逻辑能力,该图画并不难写作。在写作过程中,学生会用到一些基本词汇,比如书架(bookshelf)和学习知识(gain knowledgeacquire knowledgeaccumulate knowledge) 不过好多学生会写成learn knowledge 这种错误的表达,所以还要稍加小心。 以下是该文范文: "Possessing books or reading books" the caption accurately conveys the crucial information of the cartoon. Relaxing in a chair and leaning against backrest, the boy on the left looks satisfied with his book collection, yet he does not show any willingness to read any of them. And he says, "I have collected such an abundance of books". Apparently, his ignorance hinders him from acquiring knowledge. On the contrary, the other boy sitting in front of his desk plans to read 20 books this year, which, in my view, is a feasible plan. "Reading makes ones mind bright and clear", says Voltaire. It means the books nurture readers mind and craft their intelligence. However, stored as untouched items of display, books are merely dehydrated wood pulp. The picture serves as the best revelation of peoples attitudes towards books and reading: some individuals misunderstand, intentionally or unintentionally, knowledge as possession of books, leading to their vanity and absurd superiority; on the contrary, those wise readers thirsty for knowledge, treat books as the origin of wisdom and reading as the process of getting treasure of good books, consequently being transformed into erudite ones. As college students, when facing the fast paced society, we definitely need the nutrients from books to build our mind and to broaden our horizon. The best and shortest way of getting knowledge is reading books not simply collecting books. 译文: "有书"还是"读书" 这个标题准确地传达了这幅卡通的关键信息。左边的男生,靠在椅背上,看起来对他的藏书很满足,但他并未表现出任何想读书的愿望。他说:"我搜集的书真多!"很显然他的无知会妨碍他获取知识。相反,另一个男生,坐在书桌前计划今年读完20本书,在我看来这是个可行的计划。 伏尔泰说过:"读书使人心明眼亮",即书籍能滋养读者的思想和心灵,并把读者塑造成聪明睿智的人。然而,作为展品且被触碰的书籍只是脱水的纸浆。这幅图体现了人们对于书籍和阅读的态度:有些人有意或无意的误认为阅读是拥有书籍,这导致他们的虚荣和荒谬的优越感。相反,智慧的读者,出于对知识的渴望,把书籍当做智慧的源泉,把阅读好书当做获得知识的过程,进而成为博学之士。 作为大学生,面对这个快节奏的社会,我们无疑需要来自于书籍的营养来构建我们的思维和拓展我们的视野。得到知识最好和最短的途径是阅读而非简单地藏书。 小作文 2017年考研英语一,小作文考察的是一封推荐信,这类新建在2011年和2015年都有过考察,不过不同之处在于,前两次分别考察了推荐电影和推荐书籍,而此次考察推荐地点。 具备一定英语表达能力的学生应该能轻松应对这类文章。不过需要把自己的背景知识和基本表达有效地结合起来。 范文如下: Dear Professor Cook, I am glad to hear that you have arrived and you are willing to visit China, and I am writing to recommend you tourist attractions of Beijing. As the capital city,Beijing boasts many historical relics, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and other tourist attractions. And I highly recommend the Forbidden City which served as the emperors dwelling and imperial palace of both Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. It is the perfect place where some millions of preserved historical relics have been collected, displayed in a site that has kept its original splendid architecture for the pleasure of millions of tourists visiting the old city every year. I wish my recommendation is of value to you. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 译文: 亲爱的库克教授: 听说您有意来中国旅游,我很乐意为您推荐北京的一些旅游景点。 北京,作为中国的首都,以其历史景点而著称,比如长城、故宫、颐和园和其他旅游景点。我强烈推荐故宫,它是明清两代的住所和皇宫。故宫内陈列了无数文物,并完美地保留了其原始辉煌的建筑以供游客观赏。 希望我的推荐对您有用。 考后关注》》 大学寒假进修指南》》 更多知识点请关注新东方网考研公众账号》》kaoyanxdf



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