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做最好的自己 To Be the Best One

2020-09-10 13:15:01

Last week, I took part in the summer camp. The school invited some foreign students to visit and to communicate with us. It was such a good chance for me to practise English with them. What’s more, I could learn difference culture. At first, I was so nervous, but the next day, I got familiar with these friends and I found that they were also very curious about our study. After the short communication, I learned a lot. I knew the first thing I should do was to improve my English. I realized the foreign friends had learned mandarin and they paid special attention to master it. So if I didn’t learn English well, in the future, I would lag behind them. The second thing for me to learn was to develop more interest. The foreign friends could talk about any topic, and I admired them. I can improve myself and to be the best one.上周,我参加了夏令营。学校邀请了一些外国学生来参观并与我们交流。对于我来说,这是练习英语的好机会,更重要的是,我可以学习不同的文化。一开始我很紧张,但是第二天,我和这些朋友认识后,我发现他们对我们的学习也是很好奇的。经过短暂的交流,我学到了很多东西。我知道我应该做的第一件事就是提高我的英语。我知道外国朋友已经学会了普通话,而且他们特别注意掌握普通话。所以如果将来我英语没学好,我就会落后于他们。我要学习的第二件事是培养更多的兴趣。我很欣赏外国朋友他们可以谈论各种话题。我可以提高自己,做最好的自己。 查看全文



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