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2020-09-13 10:54:01

时间:2011 11 15来源:Joozone.com栏目:作者:作文地带 收藏: 中考英语作文范文:海报内容 :海报内容细节:作文地带 发表:2011 11 15

You and some are organizing an Festival. Write out a poster you are going to put up outside your . Dont forget to include place, time, date and any other information students need to know. 题目:你和你的们正在筹备英语节,试着策划一张贴在校外的海报。记得在海报上注明活动地点、、日期和其它重要息。 参考作文 You Will Be a Shining Star 你将是闪亮之星 The Festival is coming soon. We have prepared lots of interesting activities. 学校的英语节马上就要开始啦!我们准备了很多精彩节目哦。 broadcast news: Monday Friday from 7:00 7:30a.m. 英语广播(速递):周一 周五 早上7:00 7:30。 broadcast songs: Monday Friday from 12:00 12:30p.m. 英语广播(音乐欣赏):周一 周五 中午12:00 12:30。 Cartoons: Monday Thursday from 4:00 4:30p.m. at the hall 动漫欣赏:周一 周四 下午4:00 4:30 大礼堂 Talent show: Friday afternoon from 2:00 5:00p.m. at Room 508 才艺展示:周五下午2:00 5:00 508教室 Besides we are going to have listening, writing and reading competition the following week. Dont miss this opportunity. We are looking forward to your active participation. Come on and join us, you will be a Shining Star this year! 另外,我们下周还将举行读听说大赛。别错过这次机会哦,我们期待着你的热情参与。来吧,加入我们,你将成为今年的闪亮之星!




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