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my future life英语作文带翻译

2020-09-15 09:51:01

my,future,life英语作文带翻译 篇一:英语作文My future Whatdo dowhen I m older Someonewants doctor.Someone wants basketballplayer because sport.Someone wants writing.Someone wants teacherbecause liketeaching children. earnestlyhope prosperouslife future.Judging from my aptitude inclination personalitystreaks, my ideal life scientist,researching, lecturing, writingbooks. amfrom smallcity, particularlyenjoy being close canafford pastorallife feelmost blessed. sociallife concerned,simplicity pursue,so reallydon t need too many friends. attainmy goal, mustmake trainingmy body highlycompetitive society whicheveryone comeout physicalstrength mentalpower, patience,faith, scientistnow,and amstill far away from my dream。But,i has been work haid GradeOne,My dream study,I’llstill try my best studywinner.Now everything mydream.I feel life haveenough confidence realizemy dream. 当我长大了我去做什么?有些人想做一名医生。有些人想成为一名球员,因为他们擅长于打篮球。一些人想当一名作家来写书。 有些人想成为一名教师,因为他们喜欢教孩子们。 我恳切地希望 将来能过着健康而顺遂的一生。从我的能力倾向及人格特质来判 断,我理想的生活方式将是担任一名科学家,从事研究讲学以及 著作。由于我来自小城市,尤其对这片土地有很很深的感情。 如果我有经济能力在乡下过田园生活,我会深感福佑。至于社交生活,「单纯」是我所要追求的,所以我不需要太多的朋友。 要达成目标,我必须重视锻炼自己的身心。这是一个高度竞争的社会,人人都渴望拔得头筹。那不但是一场体力和脑力的竞争, 也是耐心、信心和毅力的马拉松。 现在我已经是研究生一年级学生,也是我的梦想是,虽然目前我很善于学习,我还是会尽我最大努力,来做这项工作的赢家.现在我 所做的一切是接近我的梦想.我觉得生活是充满希望,是丰富多彩 的,我有足够的信心去实现我的梦想. 篇二:初三英语Module10My future life Module10 My future life 本模块以 毕业生晚会 为话题,与学生的生活息息相关,便于活动的设计与开展。学生可以围绕这一话题进行大量 的听、说、读、写方面的语言实践活动,促使学生更有意识地自觉 学习英语。对话内容涉及学生的切身感受,因此也比较容易吸引 学生的注意力,激发学生的兴趣。这些经历都与学生有密切的关 系,便于教学活动的设计。通过本模块的学习,学生进一步学习 构词法,能够掌握复合、派生等构词法。教学中教师应随时随地 灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。 教学目标语言知识:语音能够根据意群的划分正确停顿。词汇beat, ceiling, fetch, pardon, raise, forgive, treasure, owe, kindness, patience, gift, fair, model, value, decision, graduate 词组Stay touch,pay back, role model 语法能够掌握复合、派生等构词法。功 能能够表达自己的感受;能表示感谢。话题以 毕业生晚会 为话题。 语言技能:听能听懂有关分别的对话,转述具体信息,判 断说话人的情感态度, 表述其隐含之意。说能够谈论自己的感受, 发表感言,介绍自己的未来计划, 能够表达自己对他人的感激之 情。读能够读懂有关毕业生晚会上的发言;判断说话人的感受人 的感受并转述主要信息。写能够完成分别聚会发言稿的写作,说 出自己的感受,表达自己的谢意,畅想自己的未来。 能够借助图片等信息展示自己三年来的学习和生活,要突出一个主题。 学习一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。学习查词典,阅读报纸,提高 自学能力。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错 误进行修改交际学习运用恰当词语介绍毕业生晚会的问题。资源 通过阅读报纸等其他资源获取更多简单英语的有关毕业生晚会的 问题的信息。 能够根据小组内同学的特长分工合作,共同完成学习任务。注意学习策略共享. 6任务:通过课文阅读,拓展对本模块不同国家离别之情表达方 式的了解。 重点:1.通过谈论毕业生晚会的问题训练学生的听、说、读、写能力,掌握使用复合、派生等构词法学习新单词。 难点:掌握使用复合、派生等构词法学习新单词。 19Teaching Content: Vocabulary TeachingAims LanguageKnowledge Keyvocabulary phrases:beat, ceiling, fetch, pardon, raise Keystructure: Do you intend What/How about...? 重点 Listeningskill: understandconversations identifywhat Betty doafter graduation 难点 Speakingskill: giveinformation about one s feelings futureplans Attitudes:Take active part Learningstrategies: Bottom up approach dosome exercises. TeachingAids: Multi Media Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout TeachingProcedures: Task:Recall what we have learned lastModule. Stepone: Label Readthrough Ss.Repeat them after you. 2.Askthem labelthem 3.Listsome words which connectedwi th party. Ask students speakout Steptwo: Tell storyabout parties. Askstudents speakout PartII: Lead Task:Learn something about fitness. Stepone: pairs.Look decideswhat everybody doing. Steptwo: Introduce newwords. PartIII: Listening Stepone: Ask readthrough page80 so knowwhat Steptwo: Play recordingwhile justlisten Stepthree: Play recordingagain havethem answer Stepfour: Play havethem check Stepfive: Call back answerfrom wholeclass. Sslisten weknow page81. Directions: Stepone: Ask readthrough page81 makesure Ssunderstand them all. Steptwo: Play havethem listen sentencefirst time through. Stepthree: Play recordingagain havethem get partner.Step four: Callback answersfrom wholeclass. Stepone: Ask makenotes page81. Steptwo: Play havethem listen. Stepthree: Play recordingagain havethem make notes. Stepfour:. Play havethem check Stepfive: Call back answerfrom wholeclass. Stepone: Play Steptwo: Play recordingagain pauseafter each phrase, asking repeatchorally Stepthree: Put Stepfour: shouldrepeat severaltimes, changing roleseach time. page81. Stepone: Have them read through questions.Have them check Steptwo: Now work pairs.Ask questions.Have them check Stepthree: Call back whole class setting. Collect completesentences from PartIV: Language points It sgot greatbeat!这里beat 指(音乐、诗歌等的)主节 奏,节拍。 Doyou intend dosth 示 打算做某事 。例如:Finny intends Australianext year allgoes well. long相当于 longtime, 表示 很长时间 。例如: Haveyou been waiting long,only fewminutes. Shewent out shedidn t stay we llalways stay friends. 这里stay的意思是 保持;使......处于某种状态 。例 shopsstay open until pm.He never stays angry I mgoing missmy classmates. 可以表示打算、意图,也可以表示可能性,比如:It s going rain.这句话中的begoing ourfriendship, everyone. 干杯 。 Task:Listen page81 Stepone: Ask Steptwo: Play recordingagain. Ask eachsense group. Step three: Ask repeatchorally Task:Talk about your plans Stepone: Read through wholeclass. Steptwo: Ask them Stepthree: Ask them answerquestions.. Stepfour: Call back some examples whole classsetting test:DoEx page128 教学反思:活动5中,回答问题时用宾语从句,一些学生语序 错误。 TeachingContent: Reading TeachingAims Languageknowledge: Newwords: forgive, treasure, owe, kindness, patience, gift, fair, model 重点 getinformation from readingmaterial. 难点 relayinformation about Attitudes:Take activepart Learningstrategies: Communicative approach. TeachingAids: Multi Media Tape recorder, video, OHP, handout TeachingProcedures: Helpstudents revisewhat Periodone Showthem some pictures about party. Have Ss.talk about them. Eg. PartII newwords. Directions:Label Readthrough screen.Have Ss.Repeat them after you. wordsseparately havethem remember them. 3.Makesome sentences Callback answersfrom wholeclass. slidesabout party talkabout them. slidesabout party screen.Describe Callback some comments from wholeclass. Thinkabout schoolleavers party, PartIII: Scanning 1.Task:Read Stepone: teacherask Steptwo: Ss read sentenceswhich show samemeaning, giving reasons choicegiven. Stepthree: Call back answersfrom wholeclass, having individuals read out Task:Read passageagain Stepone: Ask doActivity screenindividually. partner.Step two: Call back answersfrom wholeclass completesentences. 3.Task:Answer page83. Stepone: Read through makesure Ssunderstand what do.Ss do activity page83 individually Steptwo: Call back answersfrom wholeclass, having individuals read out 篇三:初一年级英语作文life 作文life 以Mylife tenyears 为题写篇短文,要求描写生动,语言流 畅。60 词左右. tenyears, thinkI ll thinkI ll meet lots interestingpeople. alsotravel all over world.I ll live Beijingbecause lastyear petbird, because verymuch. myparents. mylife tenyears, veryhappy myfamily英语作文带翻译2016 11 25 my,teacher英语作文带翻译2016 12 31 myself英语作文带翻译2017 01 05 mymother英语作文带翻译2017 01 08

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