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2020-09-15 10:09:01

My ideal house is on a beautiful island.It faces to the sea and I can have a good sight of the beautiful scenery on the island.When facing to the sea,I can feel that spring is coming and the flowers will come out soon.Living in such a quiet condition,I can have a quiet but happy life every day.I live in a two storeyed house which has an European style.Its made of brick but its strong enough not to be pushed down by the wind.After entering the house,you will find the house is well decorated.The main colours are light blue and pink which can represent peace.There is a large screen television hanging on the wall in the living room.There are also two bedrooms facing to different directions and there is a comfortable bed in each one so I can sleep very well.There is also a balcony on the first floor where I can have a good view of the sea.Go upstairs and you can find a kitchen and a bathroom.You can also find a big balcony where flowers and trees are planted.I can also read books and newspapers in the balcony.This is the ideal house Im looking forward to where I can get rid of all the worries and enjoy my peaceful life




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