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2020-09-15 15:03:01

Dumpling is a traditional food for the China. There was a doctor named Zhang Zhongjing legend, he used

the dumplings to help cure the disease, we celebrated the Spring Festival happily. Then,every Spring

Festival, everyone will eat dumplings to thank him. Whats the time now we can eat dumplings, dumplings in our life more and more common, are more and more popular, but also become a traditional food of the China. Let me tell you how to make dumplings. . the first step to buy some dumpling

skin, meat such as pork, beef, mutton, crab and so

on, vegetables such ascabbage, leek, carrot etc.. The next step to wash them, and cut them up, add some salt, mix together. Next, put the mixture into

the dumpling skins. Finally put the dumplings into the pot, boil for ten minutes. You can enjoy dumplings.

饺子是中国的传统食物。传说有一位名叫张仲景的医生,他用饺子帮大家治好了病,大家高高兴兴地过完了春节。后来,每到春节大家都会包饺子来感谢他。现在我们什么时候都可以吃饺子,饺子在我们的生活中越来越普通了,也越来越流行了,同时也成为了中国的传统食物。让我告诉你如何包饺子。. 第一步买一些饺子皮,肉(例如猪肉,牛肉,羊肉,蟹肉等等),蔬菜(像白菜,韭菜,胡萝卜等等)。下一步洗它们,并把它们切碎,加一些盐,混合在一起。接下来把这些混合物放进饺子皮里。最后把饺子放进锅里,煮十分钟左右。你可以享受饺子了。



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