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dealing with trouble 作文 60字 素材也可以

2020-09-25 12:20:01

Dealing with troubleThursday,28 JuneToday my father and I were waiting for the ferry .People usually wait quietly,but this afternoon we heard a big argument .Two women tourists were shouting at a big man .He was shouting back at them .He held out a bag,and showed everyone that it was empty.The crowd stared at the three people .No one knew what was happening.My father moved through the crowd and said quietly to one of the women, What s going on? They stole my friend s purse five minutes ago, said the woman. We were down in the bookshop,buying postcards .Three young men started talking to us .At first they were very friendly.Then suddenly my friend noticed that her purse was not in her handbag.Two of the men ran away .We followed this man here. Then the bell rang,the gates opened,and everyone started going down onto the ferry.The man hurried aboard,and the two tourists went after him. Wait, said my father. I don t want to go on that ferry. This was strange .Was my father afraid of that man?I wanted to go and watch the action.But he hurried to an ice cream shop,“Can I use your phone? he asked the shop assistant .He quickly dialled 110. I want to report a robbery.The man is on the ferry now.It just left a few minutes ago. He looked down through the railings. It s the‘No.3’Ferry, he said, Please meet the ferry. He gave some more details,and then put the phone down.We took the next ferry.As we got off,we saw them.Six policemen stood around the man,who was in handcuffs .The two women were talking to the police. Well done,Dad,I said as we walked by.“Good thinking!”Dealing with troubleThursday,28 JuneToday my father and I were waiting for the ferry .People usually wait quietly,but this afternoon we heard a big argument .Two women tourists were shouting at a big man .He was shouting back at them .He held out a bag,and showed everyone that it was empty.The crowd stared at the three people .No one knew what was happening.My father moved through the crowd and said quietly to one of the women, What s going on? They stole my friend s purse five minutes ago, said the woman. We were down in the bookshop,buying postcards .Three young men started talking to us .At first they were very friendly.Then suddenly my friend noticed that her purse was not in her handbag.Two of the men ran away .We followed this man here. Then the bell rang,the gates opened,and everyone started going down onto the ferry.The man hurried aboard,and the two tourists went after him. Wait, said my father. I don t want to go on that ferry. This was strange .Was my father afraid of that man?I wanted to go and watch the action.But he hurried to an ice cream shop,“Can I use your phone? he asked the shop assistant .He quickly dialled 110. I want to report a robbery.The man is on the ferry now.It just left a few minutes ago. He looked down through the railings. It s the‘No.3’Ferry, he said, Please meet the ferry. He gave some more details,and then put the phone down.We took the next ferry.As we got off,we saw them.Six policemen stood around the man,who was in handcuffs .The two women were talking to the police. Well done,Dad,I said as we walked by.“Good thinking!”



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