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假如你的好朋友李华没考上理想的大学 心情很沮丧 请你安慰他写一篇英语作文.提示:

2020-09-25 18:15:01

Dear Lihua,I just recently heard that you was not accepted by your dream school.I hope that you are not too depressed about it.You might have failed to get into your dream school,but it is no big deal.Everyone experiences failures,just that people fail at different points of their lives.“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” ― Truman CapoteIf you have never failed before,how could you enjoy your fruit of labour,your success,to the fullest?Failure is temporary,what you gained from it is forever.“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” ― Winston ChurchillPlease dont give up.Your family,friends,peers will be always there with you.In case you need a shoulder,a hug or just a word of encouragement,I will always be there for you.Your friend,(作者名)

假如你的好朋友李华没考上理想的大学 心情很沮丧 请你安慰他写一篇英语作文.提示:自由发挥作业帮



目送作文800字 我忘不了作文 当今时代还有英雄吗作文 有关创新的作文开头 改错作文 雨的自述作文600字 在放学回家的路上作文 秋天的事作文 运动会50字作文 中招作文600字 最美的时光作文700字 作文背影500字 我的幸福时光作文 读书真好600字作文 快乐的记忆作文 海南之旅作文400字 快乐的一天作文400字左右 新中国成立七十周年作文 写童话故事的作文 诚信作文的题目 内蒙古大草原作文300 传统文化作文开头 关于银杏叶的作文 童年的趣事作文结尾 夏天的作文150字 有关人的作文 优秀的作文 递进式作文800字范文 作文你是我最欣赏的人 写人作文好开头