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2020-09-26 22:25:01

我的爱好英语作文60字带翻译 >>>> 我的爱好英语作文60字带翻译

2018 02 01



As the saying goes: people are interested in a double happiness than not interested, because the people are interested in and live in two world . Is ah! Who doesn t have the hobby? United States President Roosevelt s hobby is collecting stamps. My sister s hobby is playing the piano, of course, I also have my hobby, that is, to draw.

In the kindergarten, my grandma and my mother took me to learn to draw. Taught me to paint is teacher, establish resplendence ardently miss li gave me a picture, the picture of grapes, pears, apples and watermelon, he said: as long as you follow this picture painted on the paper again is ok . After a while, I ve finished, miss li saw after say: you draw very talented, but also a little genius . After hearing these words, to mention how happy I am. Back home, I took out a few sheets of paper, in a lot of pictures on the paper, the paint, the more love, I was addicted to draw.

Now, I have four grade, in the class have a classmate called Qin Yuxin. Classmates all say it s the title of class little painter let I creation of envy, why her painting than I good? Now I finally understand, whatever a man do, not think themselves can be perfect, but the arguments about the opinions of others, let others point out deficiency, modify, perfect, it s good to let the people named is . From now on I want to draw, than the za class little painter class .

Oh! Original painting not only brings the infinite joy, but also let me understand that only study hard, to the pursuit of truth up.

俗话说的好: 有兴趣的人比没兴趣的人双倍的快乐,因为有兴趣的人同时生活在两个世界里 。是呀!谁没有爱好呢?美国罗斯福总统的爱好是集邮,姐姐的爱好是弹钢琴,当然,我也有我的爱好,那就是 画画。

在上学前班的时候,奶奶和妈妈带我去学画画。教我画画的是李波老师,李老师给了我一张画,上面画着葡萄、梨、苹果、还有西瓜,他说: 你只要照着这张画在纸上画一遍就可以了 。过了一会儿,我就画完了,李老师看了以后说: 你画画很有天赋,而且还是个小天才 。听完这话,甭提我有多高兴。回到家里,我拿出了几张纸,在纸上画了许多画,越画越爱画,我居然对画画上了瘾。

如今,我已经四年级了,在班里有一位同学叫秦雨欣。同学们都说是 班级小画家 这个称号让我产生了几分嫉妒之心,为什么她的画比我画的好呢?现在我终于明白了, 一个人不论做什么事,不是自己认为可以就算是十全十美,而是参纳一下他人的意见,让他人指出不足之处,进行修改、完善,让众人评出好才算是真好 。从今以后我要努力画画,超过咱班的 班级小画家 。



I am a child of science, from the age of six, I fell in love with the science, how wonderful it is.

On one occasion, I use the candle dripping water covered a small fly, wax water slowly to harden, small fly folded inside, I asked my mother so will not become a fossil, mother said no, I m very disappointed.

Another time, I use blue pen wash white clothes, the clothes was washed very clean like television, I also received a mother s praise.

I often see the legend nature, inside has taught me a lot of knowledge about animals, such as: the cheetah is the fastest mammal, speed of 110 kilometers per hour. Cobra venom can kill 20 adult; The blue whale is the biggest fish, four tons of fish and shrimp to eat every day, is a heavy taste.

I often see some scientific books ji on plants, animals, fish, they can make me have more understanding to science.

On one occasion, I found a praying mantis in the grass, I grabbed it, I found that it is old, shades of brown, skill is not agile, eyes a little blind. Soon died, and I m very disappointed.

Science and I will accompany my life, I love science.









I like playing badminton, started from a grade I was then determined, must learn to play badminton.

Remember before. Dad took me to back to learn to play badminton. He said to me: if you want to learn to play badminton, the first to start serving. Said it gave me a demonstration, and then throw the ball up. I according to the appearance of the father, one hand holding the ball, in one hand clap, I threw the ball up, then take time push forward a beat. I am delighted that the ball must hit dad there, all of a sudden, dad shouted: look back! I turned a look, originally I make effort wide, behind the ball toward the flew past, unconvinced, I played a few times in a row, the result is not wide, is after the flew past. Dad smiled front to back, humorous, said: looks like playing badminton with you, have to stand behind a person. Then, dad and hand and taught me several times, this time, I came to a beautiful serve, praised by the father.

Days later on, I study hard, I learnt to catch, spiking skill, etc. Now, I have been able to and play. If it weren t for my dad when I was beginning to encourage me, I m afraid I to now also can t learn to play badminton. This study made me understand: all things are not fall by the wayside.


记得以前。爸爸带我到后面学打羽毛球。他对我说: 要想学会打羽毛球,首先要从发球开始。 说着便给我做了一个示范,然后把球扔了过来。我照着爸爸的样子,一手握着球,一手拿着拍,我把球扔上去,然后拿拍子用力向前一拍。我满心欢喜的认为球一定打到爸爸那边了,突然,爸爸大叫一声: 快看后边! 我转身一看,原来我使的劲偏了,球朝后面飞过去了,我很不服气,一连打了好几次,结果不是打偏了,就是朝后飞过去了。爸爸笑得前翻后仰,幽默的说: 看来和你打羽毛球,后面还得站一个人。 接着,爸爸又手把手地教了我好几遍,这一次,我来了一个漂亮的发球,受到了爸爸的赞扬。


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