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2020-09-26 23:05:01

>> 动物迁徙的英语作文 动物类英语作文更新时间:2018/11/3 1:12:00点击率:690 动物迁徙的英语作文 动物类英语作文来自简单日记网精选推荐。大家了解过动物迁徙过程吗?同学们,以下是小编分享给大家的动物迁徙的英语作文,一起来阅读学习吧! 动物迁徙的英语作文1from july to september each year, several millions of wild animals in eastafrica will migrate from tanzania to kenya, known as a global natural wonder.on the vast open plains of the serengeti and deep into the rolling hills of the masai mara the largest animal herds on the planet move in a never ending natural pattern in response to an undeniable imperative the need to find fresh, nourishing grazing. this exceptional natural phenomenon is renowned as africa’s greatest wildlife spectacle. the thundering hooves of the herds and the enormous clouds of fine red dust they leave in their wake have become an icon of east african safari. 动物迁徙的英语作文2animal migration refers to the animal due to the breeding, feeding, climate change, migration and other reasons certain distance. periodic and aperiodic migration migration.part of migratory birds due to seasonal breeding and breeding grounds yearly return spring and autumn winter moved south to do some horizontal cyclical migration route, each bird migration route unchanged general often migrate along the food rich areas near water; in north america, for example, there are four main migratory bird migratory paths:1 the pacific migration route, the american continent in the west bank along the pacific route.2 mississippi route along the mississippi migration.3 central migration route, along the rocky mountains and the line.4 atlantic flight route, along the american east coast of the continent bordering the atlantic ocean. the terms of east asia, for example, occurs mainly in the winter migratory birds in autumn and winter, the main path includes: overland route from siberia, northeastern mainland china, japan, korea and other places and then moved to the south coast of the mainland by taiwan, indochina or more borneo in the south, or even australia and new zealand region, such as the shrike. if you pass through the aleutian sea line shen islands, the islands of japan, okinawa, taiwan, the philippines and then south to the flying islands, borneo, even as far as australia, button region; the spring, migratory birds will return to northern breeding grounds, so cycle once a year. east asia summer migratory birds choose the opposite of winter season each year by the south peninsula of guangdong, fujian coast north to taiwan and other areas of summer, such as azaleas. other migratory routes as well as east africa west routes. identify the direction of the main bird migration changes according to celestial, rely on the earths magnetic field, or along the geographic line memories and the like.fish due to seasonal breeding and foraging and other factors make certain direction cyclical migration can be divided into:① reproductive migration, such as deep sea eels fresh water to spawn in the reproductive stage tour, far land called migration.② juvenile migratory fish live in the ocean, reproductive swim to freshwater spawning, hatching juveniles following spring with the melting of snow and ice into the ocean swim.③ foraging migratory fish to migrate into the cluster foraging and plankton prey rich waters.④ season migratory fish due to sea temperature changes with the seasons and the migration to a suitable temperature waters.mammals due to seasonal breeding and feeding and other reasons make periodic migrations, such as caribou winter south to northern coniferous forest, spring returns foods rich northern tundra. in addition to the horizontal direction but also have a migration migrate vertically. such as mountain cold season, foraging animals often move to the lower. many deep sea fish and invertebrates of the year in the deep and shallow water, respectively, to spend part of the time. [动物迁徙的英语作文]相关文章: 1.人与动物英语作文 2.动物大象的英语作文 3.英语作文写动物 4.英语动物作文 5.有关动物英语作文 6.善待动物英语作文 7.英语作文动物狗 8.动物世界英语作文 9.人类和动物英语作文 10.动物介绍英语作文 上一篇: 下一篇:



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