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2020-09-26 23:50:01

写一篇关于去外校做交换生的英语作文要翻译 》》》 亲爱的先生/女士:我想成为你们学校的一名交换生,我也想申请加入这个交流项目.我名叫李华,是9年级2班的一名学生.首先,我的英语听说能力很好,我的英语老师经常夸奖我出色的英语水平.第二,我对英国的文化很感兴趣.我的...

英语作文关于交换生向学校申请秋游 》》》 dear mr. smith, i m li hua from china. writing to ask about my stay with your family. first, i d like to express my thanks for your kindness of having me. to better prepare for my life in britain, i d like to know if i ll have a room for myself and if there is ...

交换生申请英文 》》》 I want to make my outlook brighter abroad and improve my English communicating ability.I can play piano, sing and dance.I would like to live in a traditional American family with friendly and easy going people.

留学交换生英文申请,求高人修改!!要求:PersonalStatement:Thisisabriefessayaboutwhoyouare,whatyou vedoneoraccomplished,andwhatyourgoalsareforthefuture.自我陈述:Iamagirlborninasmallcity.Theyea 》》》 1, To be more confident and independent, I really ........2, There s no doubt that I ll learn much more from the friendly local people about the culture of America 后面去掉,因为你的家乡和你的...

欢迎交换生的英语作文带翻译怎么写 》》》 My name is Mei Han.I am a 14 years old Chinese girl.I live with my parents in China.However,my parents are going to work in England.Therefore,I want to be a transfer student.I don t want to be away with my parents.I like playing basketball and the ...

美国交换生的英语作文 》》》 I have been three for a year,as you knowthat I am a exchangestudent .Everytihing is strangethanks to my teachers and friends help ,i have leant much..In the past few years I have been in the school club,we have leant from each other,and helped from...

英语作文当交换生的理由 》》》 i am lihua.i am study at a school in england as an exchange student.i live in mine`s home.he is my friend.their parents treats me like their own son.and i lovw them ,too.i study with mine every day and always plays together.though we are from different country,we are like a family.

向外国交换生说来自己家的好处的英语作文 》》》 J1国际交换生,中美交换生项目是非营利性政府项目,为年龄在15至18周岁之间的中学生而设.本项目可使中国中学生持访问学者签证J 1顺利到达美国,居住在美国家庭里,并在美国中学就读一学年.期间,中国学生不仅可以切身感受并...

英美交换生的活动安排的英语作文 》》》 After being at school for a long time every day, most children prefer to do what they want rather than continue to study. Maybe they will choose to watch TV, play games, serve the Internet and so on. They do not know self control some activities that ...

英语作文 同学做交换生 提建议 写祝愿 》》》 不知道你要用第几人称写这篇作文,以下为第一人称:As an exchange student, I came to Beijing to join in the ”Experience China” activity.During this activity, I studied with my classmates and learned from one another, and I took part in some ...

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  1. 2022-07-22 07:45繁华落尽、满心凉☆[国外网友]IP:3406686579
  2. 2020-10-09 15:55某年某月某一天[台湾省网友]IP:3029602312


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