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如何让自己为将来找工作做准备How to get Yourself Prepared for Your Future Job Finding

2020-09-27 00:45:01

For almost all students, finding a job is anecessary procedure for them. However, most students feel confused aboutfinding jobs since many companies require students with certain experience. Inorder to find better jobs, students should prepare them for jobs as early aspossible. In my point of view, students should qualify themselves by thefollowing ways.对于所有的学生来说,找工作是他们必经的一个过程。但是,许多学生在找工作的时候会感到迷茫因为很多的公司要求有经验的学生。为了能够找到一份较好的工作,学生应该尽早让做好准备再找工作。就我看来,学生应该从以下几方面来提高自身的求职条件。Firstly, students should do some part timejobs to accumulate experience. For most students, they spend lots of their freetime on entertainment rather than going out to find some part time jobs duringtheir college. Therefore, they lack of experience by the time they graduate.While, for a small part of students take their time on doing part time jobs topractice themselves to get more experience. Not only such kind of students is preferredby employers and also they can get lots of chance to get better jobs.第一,学生应该做一些兼职来增加自己的经验。很多学生在校期间都会把时间花费在娱乐活动上而不去找工作。因此,他们在毕业的时候缺乏经验。但是,有一小部分的学生会在去找工作增长自身的经验。这样的学生当然会是用人单位的首选,他们也会得到更多的工作机会。Secondly, students should try their best onstudying their majors. Students should get a good knowledge of their major, sothat they can understand their major more correctly. Only if you know wellabout your major, then you will solve many problems related to your major inyour future work.第二,学生应该努力学习自己专业的知识。学生应该好好学习自己的专业知识,这样的话他们会对自己的专业有更加正确的认识。只有了解了自己的专业,那么在将来才可能在工作岗位上解决相关的专业知识。In conclusion, not only students should dosome part time jobs to get experience during school time, but they should alsotry hard to master knowledge.总之,学生不仅要在在校期间做一些兼职来增加自己的经验,而且也要努力学习掌握自己专业的知识。 查看全文



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