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2020-09-27 02:00:01

如果正确运用大作文写作范文,并在平时就注重建造英语的使用环境,相信雅思大作文这样的难题也会迎刃而解。今天给大家介绍一篇教育类雅思大作文写作范文——父母有必要参与育儿课程吗?下面就请欣赏这篇雅思大作文范文。 It is necessary for parents to attend a parenting training course to bring their children up.父母有必要参与育儿课程吗?范文:Parenting is perhaps the greatest responsibility of our life and mistakes and wrong decisions can ruin a family as well as the future of a child. Since many young people become parents and the number of nuclear families is on the rise, many experts emphasize the importance of parenting courses for both fathers and mothers. I ly agree with this notion as I believe that such sessions would be immensely helpful.养育孩子也许是我们生活中最大的责任,错误的决定可能毁掉一个家庭和一个孩子的未来。由于许多年轻人成为父母,核心家庭的数量也在增加,许多专家强调父母双方都应学习育儿课程。我个人同意这个观点,因为我相信这样的课程将非常有帮助。 To begin with, proper parenting requires a great deal of knowledge and dedication. Sometimes minor negligence and lack of knowledge can lead to catastrophic outcomes. For instance, if busy parents forget to vaccinate a newborn, that would jeopardize the offspring’s life. Similarly, many parents, especially from the countryside, have silly superstitions that influence them to make bad choices. If those parents attend a course where experts share their opinions on different aspects of child fostering and right parenting, they would be highly benefitted. For example, my cousin Paula, who became a mother a few months ago believed that her child had a problem with digestion and need medical attention. However, it was revealed that the way she fed her daughter was not correct. I believe that a suitable course that brings out different aspects of upbringing a child, both moral and practical aspects, would save many unexpected situations for newly become parents. 首先,正确的教育需要大量的知识和奉献。有时轻微的疏忽和知识的缺乏会导致灾难性的后果。例如,如果忙碌的父母忘记给新生儿接种疫苗,这将危及后代的生命。同样的,许多父母,尤其是来自农村的父母,很多会迷信,这会影响他们使他们做出错误的选择。如果这些家长参加了一门课程,在课程中,专家们就孩子培养和正确育儿的不同方面分享他们的观点,他们将会受益良多。例如,我的表妹宝拉,她几个月前做了妈妈,她认为她的孩子有消化问题,需要治疗。然而,她喂养女儿的方式是不正确的。我相信一个合适的课程,可以从不同的方面来教育孩子,包括道德和实践方面,可以为刚成为父母的孩子省去很多意想不到的情况。Moreover, the increasing trends of single parents and nuclear family lack the expert opinion of the grandparents, unlike the past. This is why the need for such parenting sessions has risen even more. Such sessions bring parents together, let them share their views, forms a social relationship and help people learn the real s about their al prejudices. This is a great way to educate to be parents and newly become parents learn more about practical aspects of parenting and in a broader sense make a better society.此外,与过去不同的是,越来越多的单亲家庭和核心家庭缺乏过来人父母的意见建议。这就是为什么越来越需要这样的育儿课程。这些课程让父母们聚在一起,分享他们的观点,建立社会关系,帮助人们了解他们个人偏见的真实情况。这是一个很好的教育未来父母和新成为父母的父母学习更多关于育儿的实际方面,在更广泛的意义上使一个更好的社会。To conclude, being ed and educated parents is an important aspect to become good parents. Since parenting courses help people in a diverse way, it is indeed a good idea for people to participate in such courses.综上所述,做好准备和接受育儿教育是成为好父母的一个重要方面。既然育儿课程以一种多样化的方式帮助人们,人们参加这样的课程确实是一个好主意。 以上就是为大家推荐的雅思大作文写作范文,希望能对同学们有帮助。更多雅思资讯和备考信息,请继续关注小站雅思频道。



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