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求关于遵守校规校纪的英语作文要求用被动语态 60到80词 写得好的追加分!急用!

2020-09-27 02:40:01

I think doing a middle school student, rules of discipline and attitude.she is indispensable to life and study. Many facts can explain this ticket to queue, for instance, Walk on the road to obey the traffic rules, Even we usually movements are certain requirements and constraint, everything is in order. Our school students, as in the period of social excessive to forward, especially with discipline and rules to strict demands on themselves. Starting from the standard daily behaviors, using standard for themselves. Be self respect, pay attention to the instrument, neat, plain, pay attention to health, formed the good hygienic habit. No spitting, no littering. The boycott bad thought consciousness, no contact with unhealthy, tasteless stuff. Learning to moral, respect other peoples personality, religious beliefs, ethnic customs and habits. Honest, polite, respect teachers, during the period of school to study hard, to get to school on time, dont be late, dont leave early, not absent, listen attentively in class, thinking. Love JiaoJiao property, not the blackboard, walls, desk, bulletin boards, and disorderly alter. Actively participate in school activities, treat correctly difficulties and setbacks, maintain mental health. As high school students, we cannot even free standing self improvement, everything to students as parents worry about. Students, "blunt whetstone, plum no sweet without sweat." If we pay, will reap. Believe in the teachers supervision, passes through our unremitting endeavor, three years, we will grow to have ideal, have reasonable, culture, discipline, to the society, students qualified for the school, the family a qualified.



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