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2020-09-27 09:25:01

好的开头对于雅思大作文来说是很重要的,因为优秀的开头会给考官留下好的印象,这样有利于作文加分,那么大作文开头的写法都有哪些呢?今天老师就为同学们详细介绍。 1. 采用媒体报道引出话题,把问题呈现在读者面前,引起读者思考。 例如在写关于该不该禁烟的话题时,可以这样开头:A recent study conducted by Zhongshan University has found that the number of smokers has been increasing sharply over the past five years. Research findings also reveal that the incidence of smoking related conditions has soared. As a result, the ban on smoking has been in the spotlight. 中山大学近做的一个研究表明,在过去五年里,吸烟人数急剧上升。研究结果同时显示,吸烟导致的疾病发病率也急剧增长。因此,禁烟成为一个热点话题。)这个开头通过媒体报道把问题呈现在读者面前,从而引出吸烟比例急剧上升造成的危害,引发读者思考。 2. 引起读者兴趣的话题。 例如在写关于体罚的话题文章时,采用这样一个开头:It is reported that a boy in Zhuhai was beaten to death by his father on Father s Day. Ample evidence also shows that children who are frequently abused by their parents or teachers tend to be introverted, pessimistic, indifferent and even world weary. Recently, there has arisen a fierce argument on whether corporal punishment should be abolished. Teachers, parents and experts take diverse attitudes towards this issue. 据报道,在父亲节那天,珠海有个小男孩被爸爸打死了。充分的证据也显示,经常遭父母或老师虐待的小孩往往比较内向、悲观、冷漠甚至厌世。近来,关于是否应该废除体罚出现了一场激烈的争论,老师、家长和各执一词。当读者看到这个话题时产生了浓厚的兴趣进而引起了对这件事情的思考。 3. 呈现该话题正反方的观点。 观察观点类题目的特征,我们不难发现,此类题型的特征是题目有且只有一个观点。而题目要求我们回答的是 同意 或 不同意 这个观点。所以只要确定好我们的态度,在开头段表达出来即可。 举个例子:Some people believe that living in big cities is bad for health. Do you agree or disagree? agree:根据 背景句+直接转述题目+个人观点 的公式 These days, it is quite common to see that a growing number of people choose to settle down in large cities. 背景句 But some people argue that leading an urban life would produce negative influences on people s health. 直接转述题目 Personally, I agree with this idea. 个人观点 disagree:用 although 的让步状语从句进行改写 These days, it is quite common to see that a growing number of people choose to settle down in large cities. 背景句 Although some people argue that leading an urban life would produce negative influences on people s health, although +直接转述题目 personally, I do not agree with this idea. 个人观点 在开头提出两种不同的观点,不同的读者可以根据自己对问题的看法进行思考,从而引发读者的探究心理,进一步思考这个问题从而得出结论。 4. 对将要讨论的话题进行定义。 例如在写到Globalization时,Globalization the international spread of products, ideas and information is bringing the world closer together. But globalization is not a new concept. For thousands of years, nations have roamed the earth in search of new markets and new sources of raw materials for their own industries. 关于 全球化 这个名词,考生并不陌生,但是怎样用合理的语言来赋予它一个含义,这并非易事,上述的引言段就很好地做到了这一点,先是从字面上诠释了 全球化 的定义,进而又从实际生活角度赋予了它另外一层含义。 以上就是外教一对一老师对雅思大作文开头段的写法的介绍,总之,同学们要想写出一篇成功的雅思大作文,可参考本文介绍的4种写作开头段的方法,后希望大家都能取得好成绩。欲知更多雅思资讯,请大家上海环球教育网,或者是拨打免费电话400 820 0602进行咨询。



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