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2020-09-27 09:45:02

一 表示 位置 的句型: ① 某地+is / lies + 地点状语。某地位于 。如:。如: The city lies across the river. 这个大城市位于河的两侧。 ② 某地+be located/situated 地点状语。 某地坐落于 。如: The new gymnasium is situated at the eastern of the city. 这座新体育馆位于城市的东边。 二表示 海拔 的句型: 某地+ lies + 数词数词 + metres above sea level。某地海拔 米。如: Xizang lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea level. 西藏平均海拔4000公尺占地面积 一表示 占地面积 的句型:① 某地表示 占地面积 的句型:① 某地 + covers an area of ...。某地占地。某地占地 面积。如:The small town covers an area of 5 square miles.小镇占地5平方英里。② 某地平方英里。② 某地 + takes up + ... 。某地占地 面积。如:Xingjiang takes up about one sixth of ourterritory.新疆占我国国土的六分之一。 ③ ③ 地 某地 + is + 数词 + long and + 数词 +单位词单位词 wide。 。 某地多长多宽。如: The garden is 30 metres long and 20 metres wide. 这花园长三十米, 宽二十米。 二 ) 常 : , ( 二 ) 常用度量单位: :inch 英寸, ,foot英 英尺 尺, mile 英里, millimetre 毫米,centimetre厘米厘米, metre 米, kilometers 公里, square metres平方米, square kilometres 平方公里。 三、人口状况 一询问人口?What s the population of + 某地? 二表述 人口 的数量: ① 某地 + has a large/small population。 。 某地人口众多/稀少。 ② 某地 + has a population of + 数词。 某地有 人口。如: This city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 这个城市人口超过一百万。 三、人口状况 ③ ③ The population of + 地名 is + 数词。 某地有 人口。 The rural population of the county is 400,000. 这个 的 的农村人口为40 万。 县 ④ ④ 数词+ percent of the population are ... 。 。 百分之 的人口是 。如: Eighty percent of the population here are farmers. 百分之八十的人口是农民。 四、历史背景 ① 某地 + has a long history of ... years. 某地有某地有 年的历史。 The old tower has a long history of 2000 years. 古塔有两千年的历史 ② ② X+ is a ... place/ country with... history. 某地是具有 年历史的地方/ 国家。 Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 埃及是一个具有悠久历史的阿拉伯国家。 ③ 某地某地 + date back to / date from...从 时就有的, 回溯到 , 远在 年代。 The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century. 这座古城建于十七世纪后期。 五、自然特点 一 常用句型: ①某地 + be covered with + .. 某地为 所覆盖。所覆盖。 This area is covered with glrassland. 。 这个地区为草原所覆盖 。 ②某地 + be made up of /consists of 某地由某地由 组成。如: Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas. 四川省是由一个盆地和山区组成。 六、资源特色 一常用的句型有: ① 某地 + be rich in 某地含有丰富的 ,盛产 。 ② 某地 + be wealthy in 某地富于 。 ③ 某地 + produces sth. 某地出产 。 六、资源特色 ④ 某地 + be famous/well known for 某地因 而闻名。 ⑤ The main agricultural products are... 主要农产品是 。 ⑥产品 +stands in the world s forefront. 某产品位居世界前列。七、风景名胜一列举 风景名胜 :①There are many places of interest, suchas...有许多名胜,比如 。f f There are quite a lot of places of interest inXi an, such as the Terracotta Warriors andHorses,the old City Wall and so on.西安有许多名胜,比如兵马俑、古城墙等。 七、风景名胜 一列举 风景名胜 : ②X+has many places of interest, among which is...某地有许多名胜,其中 。 就有 Beijing has many places of interest,among whith is the Forbidden City. 北京有许多名胜,其中就有紫禁城。 七、风景名胜 二表述地区的特色: ① 某地 + is famous / well known for...。某地因 而闻名。 Hangzhou is famous/well known for its beautiful West Lake. 杭州以它美丽的西湖而著名。 ② 某地 + is famous /well known as ...。某地作为 而闻名。 北京作为中国的首都而闻名。 Beijing is famous as the capital of China. 1、位于山东省东部。 The city of Qingdao is in the east of Shangdong Province. 2、以蓝色的大海,美丽的海滨而闻名,是避暑胜地。 It is famous for the blue sea and beautiful beaches. 3、每年夏天来自全国各地成千上万的人们到这里沿海漫步、游泳、购物、观赏秀丽景色。、每年夏天来自全国各地成千上万的人们到这里沿海漫步、游泳、购物、观赏秀丽景色。 Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country visit Qingdao everysummer. They walk along the beach, go swimming or do some shopping. They can see fine view of the city. 4、近年来城市发生巨大变化,对发展我国对外贸易起重要作用,成为国际港口城市。、近年来城市发生巨大变化,对发展我国对外贸易起重要作用,成为国际港口城市。 Great changes have taken place inQingdao in the recent years. It haslaed an imortant art in the p y p p development of the foreign trade of our country. It has become an international port city The city of Qingdao is in the east of ShangdongProvince. It is famous for the blue sea and beautiful beaches. It is a wonderful place for summerholidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country visit Qingdao every summer They walk along the beach, go swimming org do some shopping. They can see fine view of the city. Great changes have taken place in Qingdao in the recent years. It has played an important partin the development of the foreign trade of our country. It has become an international port city



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