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2020-09-27 10:25:01

雅思写作套用模板的高级使用法 2019 10 16 编辑:y 分享到 摘要:雅思写作套用模板的高级使用法

雅思写作主要分为:观点类、讨论类以及问题解决三大类,下面小编就拿这三类来分享: 雅思写作套用模板的高级使用法


一般比较普遍的提问方式为“What are the main reason of this phenomenon?”以及“What measures should be taken to solve this phenomenon?”需要考生提出问题出现的原因以及解决策略。


Para 1—causes effects

1. In my opinion,the phenomenon/ problem/ failure/ change in…… is partly/ mainly/ largely attributable to/ due to/ owing to ……。The fact that……has several factors. First,……Second……,Finally,……。

2. Why do so many people……? One reason is…… Another one is……It is quite obvious that ……is the main reason for the problem.

Para 2—Solutions:

1. It is urgent/ important/ necessary that appropriate/ effective/ proper actions/ measures/ steps/ method be taken to end/ correct/ improve…

2. There are believed / expected / supposed to be two effective measures/ practical schemes/ sound solutions, one of which is…


Taking into account all these factors, we may safely draw the conclusion that…… It is time that we put/ placed / laid considerable special emphasis on the development/ change/ growth of……


此类题目常见的问法为Do you agree or disagree? 或To what extend do you agree or disagree? 针对这一问题,考生最好不要单纯从同意或不同意这两个比较单一的角度去分析问题。也许,从正反两方面多角度去分析效果会更好。


1、I fully agree with the argument that 1 支持观点 A. For one thing 2 支持观点 A 的原因之一。

For another, 3 支持观点 A 的原因之二。

History has told us that 4 历史证明 A 的正确性。

For example, 5 举例证明。

Furthermore, 6 进一步阐述 A 的正确性。

But some people stubbornly cling to 7 人们反对观点 A.

If we listen to these people we will 8 听从那些人会产生的后果。

In conclusion, I think we should not 9 我们不应该怎么做。

On the contrary, we should 10 我们应该怎么做。

2、According to the opinion of some people , there are quite different attitudes towards AAA. Some claim that 1人们的观点 AAA. However, I cannot agree 2 我反对观点 AAA.

First, 3 我反对 AAA 的第一个理由。

That is to say 4 进一步阐述。

Second, 5 我反对 AAA 的第二个理由。

In fact, 6 举例说明。

Finally, 7 我反对 AAA 的第三个理由。

To sum up, 8 总结我的观点。But it is also necessary to stress that 9 退一步总结。


讨论类题目问法有Discuss these points of view. What is your opinion? 或Discuss both views and give your opinion.




In this day and age, It is +adv + p.p + that 主题句.

There is evidence that主题句.

But, meanwhile, there remains some disagreement as for……

Nevertheless, a controversy has arisen over……

As a consequence, there has been always a fierce argument as to……


Convincing arguments can be made that...

It is noticeable / undeniable that ……

People who hold that 句子may have the following reasons.

On the other hand, many individuals firmly believe that……

However, others firmly argue that……


In conclusion, my view is that…… because……. Therefore, It is +adj. for sb. to do sth.

It is quite natural that people retain diverse attitudes towards ….

Speaking for myself, I am in favour of…because……

Hence, I am strongly convinced that…

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1个5分水准的学生照本宣科7 8分的范文,会毁坏稿子的衔接性。但适当应用,可让学生迅速进行稿子构架的构建,争得大量时间去揣测怎样表述人性化的内容,关键所在怎样使其融进到自身的创作设计风格中来,打造出人性化的模版。



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