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2020-09-28 04:35:01

五年英语作文一、写信介绍你上周末活动或者是一个短期的旅游活动,不少于 40 词。(用什么时态书写) 根据提示写文章:did you go did you go with did you do did you go there your feeling文章: Dear John, I went to Shanghai with Amy and Lingling last weekend. We went there by bus. We bought ten bananas and two ice creams. I dropped my ice cream on my shoes. we saw lots of people and funny things there. We all have a good time. I was very happy. Love, Lingling 上周末,我和 Amy,Lingling 去了上海。我们坐汽车去的。我们买了 10 根香蕉和 2 个冰淇淋。我把我的冰淇淋掉在了我的鞋上。我们看 见了很多人和有趣的事。我们度过了一段美好的时光。我非常高兴。 二、假如你是图书管理员,或者班长,请你和老师一起制定图书馆规 章制度或者班级班规。不少于 5 条。 1.不准讲话在图书馆(教室)。 2.不准跑在图书馆(教室)。 3. 不准踢足球在图书馆(教室)。 4. 你可以看书在图书馆(教室)。 5. 你可以做作业在图书馆(教室)。 Don’t talk in the libraryclassroom. Don’t run in the libraryclassroom. Don’t play football in the libraryclassroom. You can read books in the libraryclassroom. You can do homework in the l ibraryclassroom. 三、给你 grandpa 写一封信,告诉他你的一天都在几点做了什么。 Dear Grandpa, I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then I go to school with my friend Amy. School starts at 8 o’clock. I do morning exercises at lunch,I play football with my friends on the playground,I am very happy! I go home at 4 o’clock and do my homework at go to bed at 9 o’clock. Love, xxx 精心搜集整理,请按实际需求再行修改编辑,因文档各种差异排版需调整字体属性及大小



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