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2020-09-28 12:20:01




The Fragrant Hill 香山

The Fragrant Hill, as the most beautiful sight in autumn Beijing, wins its fame all over the world with its maple leaves. The park is beautiful in other seasons too. The park has a long history. Palace were built up here for the royal sojourns in Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. In the 10th year of the Qianlong Era of the Qing Dynasty, Jingyi Garden was set up here which consists of 28 scenic sports and was known as the famous "three hills and five parks" in the suburbs of the city. In 1956 the Garden first opened to the public. Three best routes are recommended to the tourists to climb the hill for sightseeing and each winds through respectively the northern, the middle, the southern part of the hill. Touring through the hill takes about 2 hours. The Fragrant Hills boasts of its beautiful landscape and tourists through out the four seasons. The most beautiful sight here is the maple leaves. They grow on the smoke trees and turn red after frosts in late autumn. Then all the hills are attired in these maple leaves which seem to reach the rosy clouds in the sky.



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