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黑龙潭 丽江旅游形象标志英语作文

2020-09-28 12:25:01

时间:2009 12 28来源:五E原创网栏目:作者:英语作文 收藏: 以下文章由joozone五E原创网收集,充分介绍了丽江黑龙潭的来历及美景,让您更加神往此处。希望对您写作有所帮助。谢谢。 黑龙潭,丽江旅游形象标志 丽江黑龙潭始建于清乾隆二年(1737年),乾隆赐题玉泉龙神,旧名玉泉龙王庙,因获清嘉庆、光绪两朝皇帝敕封龙神而得名


丽江黑龙潭始建于清乾隆二年(1737年),乾隆赐题 玉泉龙神 ,旧名玉泉龙王庙,因获清嘉庆、光绪两朝皇帝敕封 龙神 而得名,后改称黑龙潭。


黑龙潭风景名胜区于1996年列为云南省重点文物保护单位,1999年通过国家局 AAA 景区认证,成为丽江首家 AAA 景区,并于2002年通过ISO9001和ISO14001质量和环境认证,成为滇西北产家通过双认证的景区,2006年黑龙潭明清古建筑群被列为全国重点文物保护单位。

Watch Water and Overview the City

Black Dragon Pool Scenic Area is located at the foot of Elephant Mountain to the north of Lijiang Ancient Town . Two springs run from under the old nut trees at the foot of the mountain, gathering to a pool of about 40,000 square meters. With flourishing plants by the pool, pavilions in the park, bridges and pavilions over the water,and snow covered mountain reflected in the water, the scenery here is very beautiful.In the history, Black Dragon Pool was conferred the title of God Dragon by emperors for twice, becoming one of the famous springs of China. From time immemorial, Black Dragon Pool has always been the headwater of Lijiang Ancient Town and the fields and villanges in the south of the town, the life spring of the ancient town.The crystal Yuhe River, running through the streets and alley ways, provides a reliable safeguard for the habitants living, the cleaning of the streets and fire prevention of the ancient town, gives vigor and life to the simple and clean town and realizes the harmony between human and the nature.

水脉 观水看城 黑龙潭景区,位于丽江古城北端象山之麓,两股泉水从象山脚下的古栗树下涌出,汇成面积近四万平方米的水潭,泉水清澈如玉。这里,潭畔花木繁茂,园内楼阁相间,水中桥亭点缀,远望雪山倒映,风景极为秀丽。 历史上,黑龙潭曾两面三刀次被皇帝敕加 龙神 封号,使黑龙潭名列中国名泉之列。自古以来,黑龙就是丽江古城及古城南田野村落的水源,可谓是古城的生命泉。世界文化遗产的丽江古城因为有了穿街过巷、清澈见底的玉河水,使古城居民用水、清洁街道、古城消防有了可靠的保障,使古朴洁净的古城增添了活泼和生机,实现并展示了人与自然的和谐依存。

Culuture Context Diversity Culture Commecial Tradition Misty Willows along Yu River

Bearing the 800 year cultural context, Black Dragon Pool is the cultural origin of Lijiang.Black Dragon Pool connects the cultural context of Lijiang tours. You get to know the origin, past, current situation and future of Dongba culture; You can also enjoy the Taoist music of Naxi and experience the endless charm of Dongba culture.As a port of the South Silk Road and an important town along the Tea and Horse Road, Lijiang has always been the main distribution center of the trade between Yunnan and Tibet. From the Tang and the Song Dynasty when the tea and horse market sprang up to the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty, Naxi people of Lijiang has alwyas been the major force. Xinhua Street, the earliest street of Lijiang, paved with slate of different colors, is the earliest key road to and from Tibet. In the Reception Pavition, one can overview the whole town. For those businessmen lived by Black Dragong Pool and Yu River, both accommodation and transaction were very covenient. When the businessmen cooked in early mornings, the cooking smoke all around gave rise to the splendid view of Misty Willows along Yu River .


黑龙潭承载着丽江古城800年的历史文脉,是丽江的文化之源。 旧时,黑龙潭的干地与水面恰似一幅天然的阴阳八卦图,纳西先人们便在潭中筑了一个八卦形基台,得月楼建筑其上。黑龙潭泄水处是一座开九眼的堤坝,正所谓 阴阳定八卦,八卦定九宫 。水流经中河,河上桥墩梁有双石桥(今玉龙桥)两孔,映雪桥(今大石桥)两孔,万子桥一孔,南门桥一孔,玉龙锁脉桥一孔,共计七个桥孔,称 九宫挂七星 。五府桥旁都设有字纸炉,所设炉数与桥孔相等,雪山书院内也设一炉,共计八,称 七星挂八斗 。 清乾隆元年(1736年),新任知府管学宣在丽江大兴科举制度,一是整顿府学, 首严冒籍 ,改变当地人入学少的状况,二是于乾隆四年对 久经倾废 的黑龙潭玉河书院进行重建,三是广泛建设义学馆。 黑龙潭可以串起任何一次丽江古城之旅的文化脉络,在这里不仅可告诉您东巴文化的起源、过去、现在和未来。还能够让您亲耳聆听纳西洞经古乐的涔涔之音,体验东巴文化的无穷魅力。 丽江地处南丝绸之路的口岸入茶马古道线上,是滇藏茶马互市,从唐宋兴起到明清时期,以纳西族为主体的丽江人就一直是茶马古道上的主力之一。丽江古城的新华街,街头面由竖关的五花石板铺就而成,是滇藏茶马古道的主要出入段,山脚下设有接风楼,可以尽揽全城。昔日马帮进城晚间都宿在龙潭下、玉河边,既可以就近夜宿又便于就地交易。晨曦中河边的马帮早起做饭,袅袅炊烟升起,呈现出 玉河烟柳 的壮观景象。



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