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2020-09-28 15:40:01

I have to get up early in the morning.I must cook the supper after school.I should clean the room on the weekend.Whats dont are: do not play out after school.Do not play video games at night in the school days.Do not listen to music when doing homework.My freind is Tony.He live in happy community with his parents in the work days.There are a lot of tall houses,green trees,beautifful flowers hospital and a large shopping centre in this flat.He lives in a yard with his grandparants in the country on the weekend.Its far from the supermarket.Its quiet .The air is very freshwe live a very happy life. In the library,first,we must keep quiet Second,cant bring our ID card.Third,we can only borrow three books each time.Forth,return the books on time and keep them clean and tidy.Sixth,we cant eat in the library.What we should, the last one,we cant listen to music in the library.



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