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2020-09-29 00:35:01

付出与回报Pay and return大家都熟悉气候变暖,空气污染这些概念,但是很少有人正真了解其他物种的灭绝和我们人类的关系。首先看看,地球村里的其他物种都为我们做了些什么?它们给我们食物,例如没有许多植物的根,微生物和土壤配合起来帮我们自然深水,我们现在喝的水里面就会充满各种氨,病菌、杀虫剂、化工废料等。没有他们帮我们净化水,我们的祖先也是活不下来的,也就没有今天的我们。它们给我们丰收。例如在马来西亚,油棕种植业以前是靠手工传花粉,费时费力,而且收成不好,后来引进了天然的花粉传递者 象鼻虫,收成立刻增加了50%,而且节省很多人力。这样的例子不胜枚举,许多物种帮我们抗洪调节气候。现在,看看支撑我们生命的物种,它们的命运又如何?大量的动植物遭到了的猎杀与扼杀。大熊猫与丹顶鹤的极具减少才使人们略有醒悟。虎鲸原本是海洋中庞大且带有些凶恶的深海动物,他们涉及到许多海域,大洋等。但从2003年起,虎鲸的数量急剧减少,大量的虎鲸遭到人们的捕杀,使虎鲸物种的延续遭到了威胁,即使政府已经加以控制,但自私捕杀的现象仍然存在。每年都有统计动物杀人事件,这使人心惊肉跳。而真正可怕的却是人类自己。人类不仅毫不留情地猎杀动物,还在无形中使物种逐渐灭绝。北极熊是北极特有的动物,他们皮毛厚且全身雪白,但每年都会有人来猎杀这珍贵的动物,猎杀的武器便是天气。人类工业的兴起与废气的随意排放使大气污染严重并且还破坏了臭氧,臭氧空洞使北极熊面临灭亡。据统计,到2050年世界上三分之二的北极熊将消失。不仅如此,油料泄漏而引起的污染也使北极熊痛不欲生!这种人类与动物之间的关系是一种痛苦的关系,人类正用另一种方式来回报世界上动植物们的付出。People are familiar with the concepts of climate change and air pollution, but few people are really aware of the relationship between the extinction of other species and our human beings. First of all, what are the other species in the world that we have done for us? They gave us food. For example, there is no the roots of many plants, microorganisms and soil together help us a natural deep water, we are drinking water will be full of all kinds of ammonia, bacteria, pesticides, chemical waste and so on. Without them to help us to purify the water, our ancestors also do not live, there will be no us today. They give us a good harvest. For example in Malaysia, before the oil palm plantation industry is by hand pollens, time consuming and laborious, but the harvest is not good, later introducing the natural pollen transfer, weevils, harvest immediately increased by 50%, and save a lot of manpower. Such examples of many species to help us to be too numerous to enumerate, flood regulation of climate. Now, look at the species that support our lives, how are they? A large number of animals and plants have been hunted and killed. The giant panda and red crowned cranes that made people wake up very slightly reduced. Originally in the ocean and large whales with some ferocious sea animal, they involve many ocean waters, etc.. But since 2003, sharp decrease in the number of orcas, a lot of killer whales of the people by the hunting, the continuation of the killer whale species under threat, even though the government has to be controlled, but selfishly killing the phenomenon still exists. There are statistical animal killings every year, which makes people xinjingroutiao. And what is truly frightening is the human being. Not only men mercilessly hunted animal, still invisible to species have become extinct. Polar bear is a unique animal, they have thick fur and white, but every year there will be people to hunt the precious animal, the weapon is the weather. The rise of human industry and the random discharge of waste gas make the air pollution serious and also destroy the ozone, the ozone hole so that the polar bear face extinction. According to statistics, in 2050 2/3 of the worlds polar bears will disappear. Not only that, the leakage of oil pollution caused by the polar bears hardly wished to live! This relationship between humans and animals is a painful relationship, human beings are using another way to return the worlds animals and plants to pay.



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