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2020-09-29 00:50:01

Today,mom and dad are not at home,I feel uncomfortable,cough,runny nose,I think I have a cold.I think I grow up now you should go to see a doctor,so I took usually saved pocket money to see a doctor.To the hospital,I learn of his mother in the previously registered window before hanging up the Department of pediatrics.With a single I registered by building instructions to pediatric medical room.I put a single registered to the doctor,the doctor asked me where is uncomfortable,I put my feelings to tell the doctor,the doctor told me to open my mouth looked at my throat,I got strep throat.Also take a thermometer for me to temperature,the temperature is normal.


So the doctor gave me some medicine to take medicine on time,I will be well,and has been praised me very sensible.Back home,I follow the doctors instructions were to eat the medicine.Mom and dad came back,I had to see the doctor.Give them,they hear happily from ear to ear,always praise me grow up,really is a good boy.Hearing parents praise me,my heart,feel oneself grow up,and can take care of himself.




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