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2020-09-29 00:50:01


英语作文怎样学好英语篇1 How to learn English well

English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions.

First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you ll make. We d better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries.

In a word, as long as we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well.

英语作文怎样学好英语篇2 如何学好英语 How to Study English Well

We all know that English is very useful. Many people in the world speak English. So more and more people in China study it.

How to study English well? I think we must have a good way to study English. If you want to learn English well, listening, speaking, reading and writing are important. You should listen to tapes every day. You should often speak English with your teachers and friends. You should read English every morning. And, you had better keep a diary every day. In this way, you can study English well.



英语作文怎样学好英语篇3 My view on English Learning When it comes to English learning, people may start pouring out their woes about how it difficult to learn. Well, as an English major student, I think there are several ways we can do to improve our English skills and make it easier to learn. Some English learners believe that extensive reading is an important way to learn English. I really agree with that. For every English learner, extensive reading is a indispensable part to enhance their English. There are some of the advantages of reading:


First of all, reading on different kinds of topics can broaden our horizon. We can know about the things we don t know before and learn about the cultural differences. To a large extend, we acquire our knowledge through reading. Second, reading English books or novel can avoid we speak Chinglish . We can know the way how the native English speakers express themselves. Third, reading is a good way to enlarge our vocabulary. If we encounter a new word in the book, we can refer to the dictionary, and then write it down on the notebook. What s more, the more we read, the better our reading comprehension will be. It s a very useful skill for English learner. Last but not least, reading can provide us with a lot of pleasure. We will not feel lonely if we read an interesting book.

首先,阅读不同题材的文章可以扩宽我们的眼界。我们可以知道那些我们不曾了解的事物,并了解文化差异。从很大的程度上来说,我们通过阅读来获取知识。其二,阅读可以避免我们说 中式英语 。我们可以了解到地道的英语应该怎么样说。第三,阅读可以帮助我们扩展自己的词汇量。如果我们遇到一个新的单词,可以查阅字典,然后把新的单词抄在笔记本中。这对于英语学习者来说非常有用。最后,阅读可以提供给我们很多快乐。当我们阅读一本有趣的书时,就不会觉得孤独了。

In a word, reading is a good way to improve our English skills. Try to read extensively, you ll have a lot of benefit from it.











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