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2020-09-29 01:05:01


我的家人英语作文带翻译初一篇1 My family has three people, one is my mom, dad, and me. Our family! Everyone has a special skill. Do you want to know my family s special skill? Oh! Do you want to! So I ll talk about my mother s specialty.

My mother s specialty is clean. As long as you broke something dirty and that you can hunt, she will take you to her room to say something about your good.

I said, my father s specialty. My dad is cooking expertise. My dad first thing in the home cooking, my father is cooking delicious, he came home from work I will do his signature dishes chicken my father do spicy chicken is juicy.

Last is me, my specialty is the slippery roller skates, I slip roller is figure skating. Figure skating is cool but also very insecure I just because this broke my foot.





我的家人英语作文带翻译初一篇2 I have a good luck and happy home.

My mother is a accounting of the company. Accompany me to go to school in the morning, concerned about my study in the evening, before going to bed with me and read. Like to listen to what I saw and heard about the school, I speak with colourful, mom listen attentively. When it comes to happy, mother also happy. I feel very proud.

My father will be suddenly turn hostile . Whenever I get the father, father is like a lion roar loud I, my in the mind very afflictive, straight want to cry. But dad have a soft side. We often play together the balloon, go outside and play with me, like a little child.

Me? Weeping eyes, cute little face. I like to play with friends to play. In fact, I was very timid, because shy, make a lot of jokes. One afternoon, mom and dad are out, I do my homework at home. Suddenly, I heard the sound of the wind, thought it was a ghost. Just frighten se se shiver, suddenly went into bed. And then I heard the bell is ringing, can t open the door, in looked at the door. Originally is mom and dad! Let me a false alarm.



我的爸爸会 变脸 。每当我惹了爸爸,爸爸就像狮子一样大吼我,我心里很难受,直想哭。但是爸爸也有温柔的一面。我们经常在一起打气球,陪我到外面去游玩,像个小孩子一样。

我呢?长着水灵灵的眼睛,可爱的小脸蛋。我很喜欢和小伙伴们玩耍嬉戏。其实我非常胆小,就因为胆小,闹了不少笑话。有一天下午,爸爸妈妈都出去了,我在家里做作业。忽然,我听到了哗哗的风声,以为是鬼来了。就吓得瑟瑟发抖,一下子就钻进了被窝。然后,我听到门铃在响,就不敢开门,在门缝里看了一下。 原来是爸爸妈妈呀! 让我虚惊一场。

我的家人英语作文带翻译初一篇3 My home have father mother and I, we three people every day in the morning and go their own way, all roads lead to Rome again in the evening. Father is a architect, riding every day at the site; Mother is a saleswoman, comes to the net in the shop every day; I am a student, in the classroom every day. My home is three members a chance, in the home. But when I bad grades, dad... also, terminating beat me pleasantly surprised, mother was aloof, never good. Every time I test scores down, women s singles under 80 points, 70 points below the men s singles, below 60 points mixed doubles. This is my home, a home full of life.

我家有爸爸妈妈和我,每天早上我们三人就分道扬镳,各奔前程,晚上又殊途同归。爸爸是建筑师,每天在工地上指手画脚;妈妈是售货员,每天在商店来者不拒;我是学生,每天在教室呆若木鸡。我的家三个成员臭味相投,家中一团和气。但我成绩不好的时候,爸爸也同室操戈,心狠手辣地揍得我五体投地,妈妈在一旁袖手旁观,从来不曾见义勇为。我每次考试成绩下来后,80分以下女子单打,70分以下男子单打,60分以下男女混合双打。这就是我的家 一个充满活力的家。












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