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2020-09-29 01:15:01

正确连接分句 1. The book was interesting, I read it rapidly. The book was interesting, and I read it rapidly. 2. The girls cleaned the desks and chairs, the boys mopped the floor. The girls cleaned the desks and chairs, and the boys mopped the floor. 避免误置修饰语 3. At the age of six my father began to teach me English. My father began to teach me English when I was six. 4. I almost got good marks in every subject. I got good marks in almost every subject. 注意逻辑主语 5. To be well informed, reading newspaper is a good habit. To be well informed, we should read newspaper every day. 6. Coming out of the classroom, my heart was beating very fast. Coming out of the classroom, I felt my heart beating very fast. 避免指代不清 7. She asked her sister why she wasn’t invited to the party. She asked why her sister wasn’t invited to the party. She asked her sister, “Why wasn’t I invited to the party?” 避免人称代词混淆 8.We had been on the plane for eighteen hours, and you got pretty tired of sitting that long. We had been on the plane for eighteen hours, and we got pretty tired of sitting that long. 避免重复 9.In my opinion, I think we should ask them for advice. In my opinion, we should ask them for advice. I think we should ask them for advice. 尽量避免汉语干扰 10. The books in our library are getting more and more. There are more and more books in our library. The number of books in our library is getting bigger and bigger. 11. During staying in Beijing, I visited a lot of places of interest. During my stay in Beijing, I … While staying in Beijing, I … 12. There is a man wants to see you downstairs. A young man wants to see you downstairs. There is a man who wants to see you downstairs. 13. I will not forget my dear friends forever. I will never forget my dear friends. 14. They will come to visit you when you are convenient. They will come to visit you when it is convenient to you. They will come to visit you at your convenience. 注意时态一致 15. I went shopping yesterday. There were many people in the supermarket. People are carrying baskets or taking carts. I struggled in the crowds picking up the things I need. When I finished my shopping I am so tired. 注意时态一致 I went shopping yesterday. There were many people in the supermarket. People were carrying baskets or taking carts. I struggled in the crowds picking up the things I needed. When I finished my shopping, I was so tired. Write a short paragraph about: Lack of sleep We are busy reviewing our lessons and doing exercises all the time. Every evening we work till very late. We don’t have enough time for sleep. I’m afraid lack of sleep will do harm to our health. * 写作对策 考核 目标 1.能运用所学的语言知识写出通顺正确的句子 2。能根据题意连贯、贴切地进行书面表达 篇章写作要求: 统一性unity:围绕主题 连贯性coherence:逻辑性,过渡词 一致性consistency:时态,人称 英语作文要求: 内容:观点明确,内容充实, 理由充分. 10’ 语言:表达正确,语言流畅 , 用词恰当,10’ 句式多样化. 组织结构:结构正确,上下文连贯一致 5’ 写作步骤: 1。写前准备:看清题意,理清思路(写什么) 2。写作过程:提纲(outline) 动笔(writing) 检查(check) *



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