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请你根据所给提示 用英语写一篇短文 介绍微信WeChat的利与弊 并发表在校英文论坛上

2020-09-29 02:00:01

More and more people are beginning to use Wechat and some have even become addicted to it. However WeChat has both advantages and disadvantages.

WeChat really shortens the distance between people. No matter where we are we can easily contact our friends. Besides we can find friends to whom we can tell our secrets which we don’t want to hold back from our families to know. However it also has disadvantages. First some information offered in WeChat is false and it may result in people being cheated. Second some people spend too much time on WeChat greatly influencing their normal life.

As far as I am concerned WeChat is convenient but we should use it properly.

请你根据所给提示 用英语写一篇短文 介绍微信WeChat的利与弊 并发表在校英文论坛上。利1.微信拉近了人们之间的距离2.可以找到倾诉心事的作业帮



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