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英语作文《我的周末》一般现在时 50

2020-09-29 02:10:01

您好:Jack is a middle school student.He studies in HongXiong Middle School.He is a hard working student.Every day he gets up at 6:00 and then dresses himself very quickly.His mother cooks for him and his father sends him to school by car.At school,he is a good student.He listens to his teacher carefully in class and after school he does his homework on his own.After dinner,he goes out for a walk with his parents.Then he spends about 2 hours in reviewing his lessobs.He goes to bed at about 10 every night.At weekends,he sometimes goes to the park with his classmates.Sometimes he goes to the gym to play ball games,such as badminton or basketall.He knows it is important for students to keep healthy.希望对您的学习有帮助满意请采纳O∩ ∩O谢谢欢迎追问O∩ ∩O~祝学习进步~



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