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2020-09-29 02:10:01

有一些语法和用语习惯问题。我帮你改改:Dear David,Im responding to your post on the Internet seeking help on learning Chinese. As a native Chinese speaker, I would love to help you improve your language skills as well as knowledge and understanding of the Chinese culture.I have some tips and tricks that make you more efficient and effective on your learning journey. First, you can take advantage of the Chinese corners in your area to practice verbal skills it is a good way to find fellow learners and share experience. Second, you should check out some good books outside of school work depending on your level of comfort, I can recommend a list of Chinese novels which may be more fun to read than textbooks.I am wondering if you will be available for an online chat session this weekend. It would be a lot easier to understand your needs and concerns if we can interact in real time. I will be happy to adjust my schedule based on your availability.Looking forward to speaking to you very soon!Lihua



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