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对于高中生活 有什么想法和计划的英语作文附带中文翻译作业帮

2020-09-29 02:45:01

New term New image Gone are the day when we enjoyed our life without any presure,it is now the new term of nine grade that we should pay more attention to.In order to deal with the new challenges in the new life,there leaves many aspecs that you should improve. Not only do you feel that you are burdened with more homework,and also you maybe have some difficulty geting alone with your classmates.Whats worse,parents and teachers merely care about your mark but not your true feelings.So frustrating will you find the new life if you cant strike the balance between study and entertainment. Despite the more stressed life,you can still make new progress.Every challenge means a chance at the same time.Once you overcome it ,how proud you will feel.New term need you to build up a new image,which means you should do your affairs by yourself.You have to be more diligent and patient solving problems.In addition,trying to do someting worthy to relax yourself.Do you ever hear a old saying:all work and no play make Jack a dull boy.Its necessary to make full use of your spare time to adujust you to the high pace life of 9th grade. Finally,what you should bare in your mind is that no matter how bad is the new life,never lose heart.New term,new image,new future!推荐采纳推荐采纳推荐采纳推荐采纳推荐采纳推荐采纳推荐采纳



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