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2020-09-29 02:55:01

It is about 4 months since I have arrived at Anhui University. It is so fast that my first term in the university is to be over. I have experienced a lot and thought a lot in this semester.Above all,I have a good time this year. I met a lot of new friends who are all very nice to others.I enjoy having class with them and playing with them when we are free. They are all my good friends and I will treasure our friendship forever.Next,I have more spare time than before.Sometimes I even don’t know what I can do apart from sleeping ,for which I feel guilty. I even never go to the library to get useful knowledge. So most time is wasted.Additionally,I have discovered that students can show their own ideas that can be different from the textbooks or teachers’,which I have never seen in my life.Besides,the forms of class are various , which students get interested of.During this time, I also met some problems ,especially in grade.Without the teachers always pushed ,my learning becomes worse and worse.I am very disappointed in myself.As far as I am concerned,this term is over.There is no point in regretting.I should make a great change that makes my life more meaningful in next term.And I will treasure the happy experience forever.That is all.



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