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2020-09-29 04:15:01

mba英语作文范文 来源:发布时间:2013 03 20 08:38:45 大家知道对于mba的英语考试中作文也是一个重要的题型,其中的作文也是最可在最短时间内的的分点,那么如何在最短的时间内取得高分的呢,最关键的是要我们在考试前期能够多做练习,最好是能够有相应的范文,这样的话我们写好可以找出自己的差距,同时也可以作为自己以后写作的借鉴,在范文中可以慢慢的找出一些模板,有利于自己考试写作,中国在职研究生教育信息网就给大家找到一个英语作文的范文以方便大家备考。

According to recent statistics, around 30% of Chinese tourists abroad have been blamed for their misbehaviors such as spitting, shouting and jumping the queue. As it has affected the reputation of our country, it is urgent to investigate the causes of the phenomenon and find solutions to the problem.

The causes of this phenomenon are manifold. Among a host of factors, the lack of education stands out. Some of the visitors are not well educated. Another equally important factor lies in the fact that little attention has been paid to the proper behavior of tourists in the domestic tourist industry.

In view of the above, some urgent measures should be taken to solve the problem. In the first place, some training programs should be offered to those who plan to visit overseas. In the second place, those who have been found behaving inappropriately during an overseas visit should be prohibited from going abroad for a visit.

The causes of and solutions to the problem as suggested above may not be exhaustive, but they are certainly among the most important. Undoubtedly, other causes and solutions are possible and worth investigating.




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