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如何做一个成功大学生 英文

2020-09-29 04:50:01

How to be a successful college student? 如何做一个成功大学生? *相关名人名言 Charles Reade:Sow a thought,and you reap an act,Sow an act, and you reap a habit; sow a habit,and you reap a character; sow a character, and you reap a destiny. 播下一种思想, 收获一种行为;播下一种行为, 收获一种习惯; 播下一种习惯, 收获一种性格; 播下一种性格, 收获一种命运。 Successful student should be equiped with the following qualities. 成功的大学生应该具备以下几点: 1 . Positive frame of mind 积极的心态 face the challenges positively and optimisticly during your university time. 积极、 乐观地面对大学生活的各种挑战。 2. clear objects 明确的目标 Plan for the university life and know what is supposed to be achieved in the university. 3. A high degree of self control 高度自制力 A university is a place where you can arrange the time by yourself, totally different from the high school. Those who don t have a high degree of self control are easy to get addiction to something that is a waste of time,such as computer games. 4. Arrange the time to enhance the capability of oneself 统筹安排,提升自我 Study in the university is still important because it s hard to survive in today s society. However, at the same time, one should also attach great importance to develop the ability of social practice, such as taking part in some social activities. 关于学习和社会实践 It s hard to say which is more important in universities. On the one hand, it is known to all that knowledge is power. To a certain extent,a relatively high level of education helps people to find a job. And, university is quite an ideal place to learn more knowledge, especially about specialization. On the other hand, the education in university should be social oriented. Students are supposed to take every possible chance to advance the ability of social practice. To sum up, whichever a student consider is more important to himselve, it doesn t really matter. As long as he work hard for it, there is nothing for him to regret when he recalled he university life and he is a success.



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