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2020-09-29 05:35:01

1、Undoubtedly,the cartoon conveys the meaning that life is like the process of running in which one should make constant efforts and never stop making progress. 2、Owing to be quickening pace of life,competition goes increasingly fierce in all walks of life,stimulating everyone to pursue one goal after another. 3、Once a person stops making progress,he can hardly maintain his past glory and survive in this competitive world. 4、If we pass this test and are confronted with the challenge of conquering the difficult graduate courses,we still have to strive for success in our future academic study,employment and career. 5、In conclusion,keeping optimistic encourages people to learn wisdom,humanity and self confidence,and is a crucial and unavoidable aspect of any individual’s development of character and competence. 1毫无疑问,这幅画显示了如下含义:人生就像跑步的过程一样,人们应该不断努 力,绝不停止进步 2由于生活节奏的加快,各行各业的竞争变得日益激烈,激励每一个人追求一个又一个的目标。 3一旦一个人停止取得进步,他很难保持过去的荣誉,在这个竞争世界中生活下去。 4如果我们通过了考试,就面临者征服艰巨研究生课程的挑战。我们仍必须在我们未来的学业、职业和事业上为了成功而继续奋斗。 5总之,保持乐观可以鼓励人们去学会获得智慧、博爱和自信,因此是个人性格和能力的培养过程中不可缺少的重要组成部分。 人生哲理类话题高频词汇短语 自立 self dependence 勤奋 diligence 恒心 perseverance 幸福 happiness 不断努力 make constant efforts 缺乏自信 lack of confidence 保持乐观 keep optimistic 悲观的 pessimistic 积极态度 positive attitude 消极态度 negative attitude 取得成功succeed, achieve success, 害怕失败fear to lose 自我实现individual self realization 不遗余力去做某事spare no efforts/pains to do, make great effort, 坚持不懈地做某事be persistent with sth./ do with full persistence 尽一切努力取得成功try every means to stay on top 经得住挑战与困难stand up to/ withstand challenges and difficulties 范文:态度与幸福 As is revealed in the cartoon, a boy is contemplating认为 the true meaning of happiness. It is indeed a tough question for him: what is happiness? Making a huge sum of money, or winning true love, or keeping good health, or what? The picture is fairly thought provoking发人深省, which intends to convey to us this message: Due attention should be paid to the constant topic of human—happiness. We can easily recognize the significance of attitude in terms ofhappiness. On the one hand, some have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Take the victims of Wen Chuan earthquake as an example, they lost their families and even something more precious, but they eventually stepped out of the pain to rebuild their home. On the other hand, people who have a relatively easy and comfortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy. Without a positive attitude or the determination to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to注定 be grievous, no matter what kind of situation you are in. Considering all the points discussed above, it is advisable that we highly value optimism and apply it in our studies and work. We are, therefore, supposed to take a rational attitude. Happiness is an attitude, not a condition, which lies in the unswerving efforts坚持不懈的努力 to complete one’s life. 精彩译文 如图所示,一个男孩沉思着“幸福”的真正含义。这对他确实是很难回答,什么是幸福呢?挣大钱,赢得真爱,永葆健康,还是其它?这个图片令人沉思,它试图传递给我们这样一个信息:我们应该适当关注人类这个永恒的话题 幸福。 我们很容易就能认识到在“幸福”这个话题中“态度”的重要性。一种情况,一些人遭受了很多,但仍然很幸福。就拿汶川地震的受害者为例,他们失去了家园,甚至是更加宝贵的东西,但最终还是走出痛苦,重建了家园。而有些人过着相对惬意舒适的生活,但一点儿都不快乐。可见,如果你没有积极乐观的态度和寻找生活中小幸福的决心,不管你身处何境,都注定是悲伤的。 综上所述,我们应该重视乐观的态度并把它应用到我们的学习和工作中。因此,我们应该有一个合理的理念:幸福是一种态度,而不是一种条件,它的实现在于通过不断地努力让自己的人生更加完美。



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